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  • Understanding Cancer | ECCT

    Supporting You Throughout The Journey When you or a loved one faces cancer, knowing what lies ahead can empower you to navigate the challenges better and handle the profound emotional and physical effects that come with the diagnosis. We emphasize the significance of being well-informed in making decisions about your health. Cancer and Its Cause Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cells have the potential to invade and damage surrounding tissues. Read more... How Does Cancer Start in the Body? Cancer originates from cells. Our bodies consist of over a hundred trillion cells. The disease begins when one cell or a tiny cluster of cells undergo changes. Primary tumors is where the cancer starts. For a cancer to start, certain changes take place within the genes of a cell or a group of cells. Read more... Cancer and Environment The environment surrounding our organ cells plays a vital role in their health and functioning. When this environment is healthy, our cells operate normally. Conversely, if it's unhealthy, our cells become compromised and function abnormally. Read more... Diet and Weight Cancer and conventional treatments can impact appetite, taste, and the ability to eat comfortably. Side effects such as nausea, changes in taste, mouth sores, difficulty swallowing, or a decrease in appetite can make mealtimes challenging and less enjoyable. Despite these difficulties, finding ways to make eating more manageable and enjoyable is important. Read more... Diet While Coping with Sides Effects Some people with cancer experience other difficulties with eating. Some of these problems may be related to the disease itself, while others may be temporary side effects of the treatment. Read more... Importance of Blood Test Monitoring During Cancer Treatment Keeping an eye on your blood parameters during chemotherapy is a proactive step in ensuring your body's resilience and well-being. Here's how these checks can actually empower you. Read more... Importance of Albumin and Electrolytes to Cancer Patient Albumin and electrolytes are vital components within the human body, serving distinct yet crucial roles. For cancer patients, maintaining appropriate levels of albumin and electrolytes is crucial for several reasons. Read more... What is Cytotoxic and Cytostatic based Cancer Treatment? Albumin and electrolytes are vital components within the human body, serving distinct yet crucial roles. For cancer patients, maintaining appropriate levels of albumin and electrolytes is crucial for several reasons. Read more... Quality of Life vs Killing the Cancer Balancing quality of life with cancer treatment is a complex and personal decision that varies for each individual. It's not necessarily a matter of one being more important than the other; rather, it often involves finding a middle ground that aligns with the patient's goals, values, and health status. Read more... Types of Cancer Cancer is a broad term encompassing various diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. There are numerous types and subtypes of cancer, each classified based on the cells or tissues where the cancer originates. Some of the main types and subtypes include... Read more... Cancers by Body Location / Body System There are more than 100 types of cancer. Types of cancer are usually named for the organs or tissues where the cancers form... Recurrence and Dormant Cancer Cells Cancer recurrence is a significant concern in oncology due to its impact on patients' lives and the complexities it introduces in treatment planning and management. Prevention of recurrence through comprehensive treatment strategies, surveillance, and lifestyle modifications is crucial in improving outcomes and enhancing the long-term well-being of cancer survivors. Read more... Cancer Myths In a world where information is readily available, it's tough to know what to trust when it comes to cancer. False information can cause unnecessary worry or lead to ignoring real symptoms or making unhealthy choices. Read more... Does differentiation level in cancer matter to both the patient and the oncology? In cancer, differentiation refers to how much or how little cancer cells resemble normal cells in terms of their structure and function. Read more... Tumor Grading and Cancer Staging Doctors use numbers to understand how bad the cancer is and how abnormal the tumor cells are. This helps plan treatment and predict how the cancer might grow. Read more... Importance of Liver, Kidney, Pancreas and Immune System to Cancer Patient The liver, kidneys, pancreas, and immune system are vital organs and systems in the human body, each playing unique and crucial roles in maintaining overall health and well-being. How Exactly is Tumor Marker? A tumor marker is a substance found in your blood, urine, or body tissue. The term "tumor markers" may refer to proteins that are made by both healthy cells and cancer cells in the body. It may also refer to mutations, changes, or patterns in a tumor's DNA. Tumor markers are also called biomarkers. These tests can also help doctors to learn more about your cancer and help to plan treatment... Deadliest cancers and their telltale signs! Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with certain types posing more significant risks based on factors such as gender and age. It’s important to learn as much as possible about the varieties of cancer and their unique risks to prepare yourself for worst-case scenarios. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Comprehensive Overview of ECCT and ECT ECCT for Advanced Lung Cancer: ECCT shows promise in treating lung adenocarcinomas, particularly in advanced stages where surgery isn’t an option. Tumors with EGFR-positive mutations respond better, though the exact mechanism remains unclear. Larger tumors may shrink, potentially leaving fibrosis linked to longer treatment and inflammation. The Role of Food in Cancer Prevention Food plays a critical role in cancer prevention, with certain dietary habits significantly reducing the risk of developing various types of cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) emphasizes that a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans is linked to a lower risk of cancer. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that work together to protect the body against cancer. What are carcinogens? Carcinogens are substances known to increase the risk of cancer by causing DNA damage and triggering uncontrolled cell growth. They can be physical (e.g., ultraviolet rays from the sun), chemical (e.g., asbestos, tobacco smoke), or biological (e.g., certain viruses). More than 100 carcinogens have been identified, and while exposure doesn’t always lead to cancer, prolonged or extensive contact, combined with genetic factors, can significantly raise the risk. Breast Cancer and its prevalence Breast cancer is a condition where abnormal cells in the breast grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. If left untreated, these tumors can spread to other parts of the body, leading to life-threatening complications. The disease typically begins in the milk ducts or lobules (milk-producing glands) of the breast. In its earliest stage, known as "in situ," breast cancer is not life-threatening and can often be detected and treated before it progresses. However, if the cancer spreads into surrounding breast tissue (a process known as invasion), it can cause noticeable symptoms like lumps or thickening in the breast. Understanding Clinical Trials: How They Shape Cancer Treatment Clinical trials are designed to test new methods for fighting cancer. This could involve new treatments, such as drugs, surgeries, or other therapies. Some trials focus on prevention strategies to reduce the risk of developing cancer, while others aim to improve early detection methods, making it easier to spot cancer in its earliest stages. There are also trials dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those living with cancer, by finding better ways to manage symptoms and side effects. Everything you need to know about Skin Cancer Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but early detection greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. It's important to get to know your skin, so you can spot any changes that might indicate a problem. Skin cancers often don't hurt, so regular self-exams are key. What’s it like to remain employed despite having cancer? Many professionals are hesitant to turn their backs on their careers despite developing terminal cancer. It is advisable for patients who are out of luck to rest well and spend their final moments with their loved ones instead of clinging on to false hope. However, there are many individuals who persisted until the very end. The purpose of this article isn’t to shame those who chose differently but to hail the people who fought for their passions. Staying Positive with a Cancer diagnosis Maintaining a positive outlook can be a helpful way to cope with cancer, but it’s perfectly normal to feel scared or upset at times. Cancer brings many challenges, and it’s okay to experience a range of emotions as you navigate through them. An encapsulation of the unthinkable: Bone Cancer Bone cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of a bone. While bone cancer can develop in any bone, it most commonly affects the thighbone (femur). Unlike secondary bone cancer, which refers to cancer that starts elsewhere in the body and spreads to the bones, primary bone cancer originates directly in the bones. This article explores the types, symptoms, and treatment options for bone cancer, providing essential information to help understand and manage this rare disease. Understanding Cancer in Young Adults: Are they out of harm’s way or does Cancer strike indiscriminately? Cancer is a complex disease that can develop in nearly any part of the body, but it's less common in young adults, typically defined as those between the ages of 20 and 39. While cancers in this age group are relatively rare, they present unique challenges in diagnosis and treatment due to the mix of types that can occur. Understanding the types of cancers that affect young adults, along with their symptoms, is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. Radiotherapy For those receiving radiotherapy to shrink a tumor or alleviate symptoms, the lower doses used are less likely to cause permanent damage. If you experience any difficulties in the future that you believe may be linked to your radiotherapy, contact your oncologist without hesitation. Rest assured, radiotherapy is recommended because its benefits far outweigh the risks. If there are any specific concerns related to your treatment, your oncologist will discuss these with you Rain or Shine: Be there for your partner When your partner is diagnosed with cancer, it can feel like your world has been turned upside down. You might experience a whirlwind of emotions, including shock, grief, anger, and anxiety. These feelings are natural, and both you and your partner will likely find your own ways to cope with them. Even if you approach the situation differently, it’s important to try to understand and support each other. Recognizing Cancer Symptoms Blood cancer symptoms can vary based on the specific type, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS, or MPN. It's important to recognize these symptoms early, as timely diagnosis can significantly impact treatment outcomes. The History of Cancer Cancer has been documented since the earliest medical records, with its history deeply intertwined with the evolution of medicine. The oldest known references to cancer come from seven ancient Egyptian papyri, discovered and translated in the late 19th century. Among these, the "Edwin Smith" and "George Ebers" papyri, dated around 1600 B.C. but possibly derived from sources as early as 2500 B.C., provide early insights into Egyptian medical practices. The Smith papyrus details surgical techniques, while the Ebers papyrus outlines treatments including pharmacological, mechanical, and magical approaches. Tales to Inspire: From Riches to Scrubs Battling cancer is challenging enough, but doing so publicly adds another layer of intensity. These celebrity cancer survivors have used their platforms to raise awareness, helping to destigmatize the disease and foster a supportive community. Understanding Chemotherapy Resistance: Why Some Cancers Don't Respond to Treatment Chemotherapy is a cornerstone of cancer treatment, but for some patients, the therapy may not be effective due to a phenomenon known as chemotherapy resistance. This blog delves into the causes of this resistance and the research aimed at finding solutions. The Role of Epigenetics in Cancer Development The Role of Epigenetics in Cancer Development:When discussing cancer, genetics often takes center stage. However, the field of epigenetics—how gene expression is regulated without changes to the underlying DNA sequence—is gaining attention for its role in cancer development. Surviving Cancer: What to do after recovering? As a cancer survivor, it's important to focus on your long-term health to improve your overall well-being. After completing cancer treatment, there are several effective strategies you can adopt to enhance your quality of life and ensure a healthy transition into survivorship. Cancer and its impact on modern medicine Researchers have spent countless hours studying the intricacies of the formation of cancer and its catastrophic consequences. Its ability to disable the human body’s functions is unlike any disease in existence and there is no cure for late-stage cancer. This morbid reality has steeled their resolve to come up with preventive measures that lower the risk of activating dormant cancer cells.

  • ECCT Cancer Treatment | • Electric field cancer treatment

    ECCT Complementary cancer THERAPY A Cancer Treatment Designed with Family at Heart, Not Just Clients. Enhance cancer survival rates, regenerate health and improve quality of life. *The EXCLUSIVE and authorized distributor for ECCT in South East Asia and South Asia. Cancer Treatment WHAT ECCT seamlessly integrates electrodes and a portable controller within various types of apparel , creating electric field energy that offers a revolutionary approach to fighting cancer, regenerating health, and enhancing your quality of life. ​ Uniquely personalized for each individuals to provides effective treatment for a wide range of cancer types, locations, stages, and grades—anytime, anywhere, even in the comfort of your own home. What is ECCT? WHY Why Do You Need ECCT? ECCT can be an option if you're seeking a safe, innovative, and advanced cancer treatment. If your goal is to shrink tumors, prevent the spread, or stop recurrence, ECCT is designed and aim to help you achieved your goal. If your disease is progressing despite all efforts, ECCT offers a new path forward. When blood tests prevent ongoing treatments, ECCT helps improve and bridge the gap needed to restart treatment. ECCT is here to support you reducing side effects and maintaining your body function and normal cells during chemotherapy. ECCT can play a key role in strengthening your body's defenses and boosting your immune system Safe and Non-invasive Cancer Treatments ECCT offer advanced treatments for various types of cancer, including metastasis cancer with one system. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized care and support to all patients. Holistic Care Our holistic approach to cancer treatment focuses on not only on the disease but also supporting the overall well-being of the patient. ECCT offer complementary therapies to help manage side effects and improve quality of life. Cutting-Edge Technology We utilize the latest technology advancements in cancer treatment, such as electric field precision plan, to provide targeted and effective care. Our goal is to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Supportive Environment We understand the emotional and psychological impact of cancer. Our team provides a supportive environment where patients and their families can find comfort, guidance, and hope within just a call away. WHERE Where Can I Receive ECCT Treatment? Anytime Anywhere! The great thing about ECCT is that you can do the treatment anytime, anywhere—no need to be tied to a specific treatment center. Your ECCT device will be customized just for you, based on your condition. All you have to do is follow the daily instructions provided by our medical doctor and patient management team. It’s similar to taking medication at home—just like when your doctor tells you how many pills to take each day, except with ECCT, you’re doing the treatment from the comfort of your own home! HOW How Electric Fields Works? ​Multi Mechanisms Underlying Electric Field Effects in Cancer Therapy ECCT doesn't rely on just one mechanism—it employs nine distinct strategies of electric fields to ensure that even the most resistant types of cancer have a way to be targeted effectively. Induced Cancer Cells Death Electric fields can trigger or programmed cell death in cancer cells. This controlled process removes damaged or unwanted cells without causing inflammation. Electric fields disrupt mitochondrial membrane potential and activate pro-apoptotic factors that start the cell death process. This targeted method selectively kills cancer cells while sparing healthy ones. Disruption of Cancer Cells Cellular Structures Electric fields significantly affect the structure of cancer cells. By altering the arrangement of cellular parts like the cytoskeleton and plasma membrane, they impair the cells' ability to maintain their shape and function. This disruption hampers crucial processes like cell division and movement, ultimately reducing the tumor's ability to grow and spread. Cancer Cells Membrane Ion Control Electric fields affect ion movement across the cell membrane, changing the cell's electrical properties. This ion transfer alters membrane potential and permeability, impacting cellular signaling and metabolism. By modifying these ion gradients, electric fields disrupt the balance within cancer cells, making them more vulnerable to treatment. Enhanced Drug Delivery to Cancer Cells Electric fields enhance the delivery and effectiveness of chemotherapy. By increasing the permeability of tumor blood vessels and cancer cell membranes, electric fields help more drugs enter the cancer cells. This improved delivery ensures higher concentrations of the drugs reach the target cells, making the treatment more effective and reducing overall side effects. Boost Immune System Electric fields can boost the immune system's response to cancer. They trigger a type of cell death that makes tumor antigens more visible to the immune system, improving its ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells. This can lead to a stronger and longer-lasting anti-tumor response, aiding in long-term remission and reducing the risk of cancer spread. Inhibition of New Blood Vessels on Cancer Cells Angiogenesis, or the creation of new blood vessels, is crucial for tumor growth and spread. Electric fields can inhibit angiogenesis by disrupting the signaling pathways that control blood vessel formation. By limiting the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the tumor, electric fields help slow down tumor growth and reduce its ability to spread. ​ Electroporation on Cancer Cells Electric fields cause electroporation, where high-intensity electric pulses make cell membranes temporarily permeable. This allows therapeutic agents like DNA, RNA, or drugs to enter cancer cells more easily. Electroporation boosts the delivery of these agents inside the cells, making treatments more effective. Cancer Cell Cycle Arrest Electric fields can stop the cell cycle, especially during division of cancer cells. By disrupting cancer cell cycle progression, electric fields prevent cancer cells from dividing and growing. This interruption slows tumor growth and boosts the effectiveness of other treatments. Cancer Cells DNA Damage and Repair Inhibition Electric fields can directly damage the DNA of cancer cells and disrupt their repair mechanisms. This dual effect causes genetic damage to accumulate, leading to cell death and reducing the chances of cancer progression. WHO Who is Our Medical Team? Our highly expert, multidisciplinary medical team from around the world brings extensive experience to ensure every aspect of your care is optimized for the best possible outcome. Dr Chandran Interventional Radiologist Dr Bunyamin Oncologist Dr Abdulhakim Radiologist RESULT Our Survivors. The Most Published Stage 4 Cancer Survivors in Alternative Treatment. With more than hundred published success stories and thousands actual survivors. 乳腺癌治疗之旅 Lung Cancer, Stage 4: A Mother in Need - ONE LAST WISH WHEN DISCLAIMER: All the information above are understood based upon independent-research and clinical observations of diagnosis & treatment administered to numerous patients by Revotera, its specialist doctor-mentors, and peers in the field of holistic therapy. These fundamental for disease & treatment represent only the the fundamental upon which the therapy protocol for ECCT are based, and not to be considered as the fundamental established by any medical governing body nor to replace any professional medical advise by any professional medical practitioners. Newsfeed 播放影片 播放影片 07:17 Why using Electric Field for cancer wellness? Why Do We Need Holistic Therapy? Why using Electric Field for cancer wellness? Why Do We Need Holistic Therapy? There are many cancer treatments available in the market. As patients or healthcare providers, it's crucial to consider various factors when planning cancer treatment. Our decisions will ultimately affect the outcomes, so we need to weigh all the pros and cons carefully. Always check Dr. Chandran's list of suggestions before committing to any treatment. At the end of the day, our focus should not only be on eliminating cancer cells but also on protecting and maintaining the wellness of our normal cells to ensure a good quality of life. 播放影片 播放影片 Role of an interventional radiologist What is the role of an interventional radiologist? Aside from open surgery, what other treatments are available in Malaysia that you might consider? 播放影片 播放影片 06:02 The Truth About Electric Field Cancer Therapy in Japan Understanding Cancer Therapy in Japan with Dr. Shin Akiyama, specialist in Tokyo, Japan. 播放影片 播放影片 06:07 NET News 2016 Dr. Warsito P. Taruno has made significant contributions to the field of science and technology, particularly in the area of medical device development. 播放影片 播放影片 01:46 Dr. Warsito receiving BJ Habibie Technology Award in 2015 The Habibie Prize is an international award established in 2003 to honor individuals or organizations who have made significant contributions to the promotion of democracy and human rights in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The prize is named after the late Dr. Ing. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, the former president of Indonesia, who was a strong advocate for democracy, human rights, and technological development. The award ceremony is usually held in Jakarta, Indonesia, and is attended by prominent figures in the fields of politics, academia, and civil society. The Habibie Prize is administered by the Habibie Center, a think tank established by Dr. Habibie in 1999 to promote democratic governance, human rights, and sustainable development in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The selection of the prize recipient is made by an independent jury, consisting of individuals with expertise in the fields of democracy and human rights. Some of the previous recipients of the Habibie Prize include former Philippine President Corazon Aquino, Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and Indonesian human rights activist Munir Said Thalib. 播放影片 播放影片 06:54 Dr. Warsito, inventor of ECCT was featured in an interview with Sarah Sechan, a popular Indonesian TV host During the interview, Dr. Warsito discussed his work on developing ECCT and explained how ECCT work by detecting the electromagnetic waves emitted by cancer cells, allowing for earlier detection and more targeted treatment. Dr. Warsito also talked about his hopes for the future of cancer treatment and the potential impact of his technology on the lives of cancer patients around the world.

  • Recognizing Cancer Symptoms

    Recognizing Cancer Symptoms Section Title Blood cancer symptoms can vary based on the specific type, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS, or MPN. It's important to recognize these symptoms early, as timely diagnosis can significantly impact treatment outcomes. Common Blood Cancer Symptoms Some general symptoms to watch for include: Unexplained weight loss Bruising or bleeding without a clear cause Lumps or swellings in areas like the neck, armpits, or groin Shortness of breath Drenching night sweats Persistent, recurrent, or severe infections Unexplained fever (38°C or above) Rashes or itchy skin Bone, joint, or abdominal pain Persistent tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest Paleness (pallor) These symptoms can appear differently on various skin tones. For example: Bruises may initially be hard to see on darker skin but will eventually appear darker than the surrounding skin. Rashes might look purple or darker on darker skin tones, while appearing red or purple on lighter skin. Paleness is more noticeable in the eyelids, gums, and nail beds for those with darker skin. When to Seek Medical Advice If you notice any of these symptoms, especially if they’re unexplained or persistent, it’s crucial to consult a doctor. Ask about the possibility of blood cancer and whether you need tests such as blood tests, biopsies, or scans. Early diagnosis can lead to better treatment outcomes, so don’t hesitate to get checked out if you’re concerned.

  • Research Articles | ECCT

    Insight of Electric Fields Therapy These articles section encompasses more than just articles about ECCT. It aimed to educate and provide insights about general electric field therapy application from a wide array of source worldwide, including news, opinions, research findings, educational content, professional advice, and more. Section Title Role of Electric Fields in Integrated Complementary Cancer Therapy The article explores the potential of electric fields as a novel and promising approach in integrated complementary cancer therapy, emphasizing their advantages over conventional therapies, the challenges associated with current cancer treatments, and the need for continued research to optimize the application of electric fields in cancer therapy. ​ Electric fields offer a promising avenue for cancer therapy, with multiple mechanisms contributing to their therapeutic effects. By disrupting membrane integrity, interfering with cellular electrical properties, arresting mitosis, enhancing traditional therapies, and modulating the tumor microenvironment, electric fields provide a multifaceted approach to cancer treatment. Ongoing research and clinical trials are essential to fully elucidate these mechanisms and optimize the use of electric fields in oncology. The effect of exposure to electro-capacitive cancer treatment on JNK2α2 expression and the number of glioblastoma cells This study explores the effects of ECCT on glioblastoma (GBM), an extremely aggressive form of brain cancer. ECCT uses low-intensity, medium-frequency electrostatic wave energy to target cancer cells. The research focuses on JNK2α2, a protein that plays a role in tumor growth, and looks at how ECCT influences its levels and the number of GBM cells in a laboratory setting. The results show that ECCT can significantly decrease both the amount of JNK2α2 and the number of GBM cells, suggesting it could be a promising complementary treatment option. Key Findings: Significant Reduction in JNK2α2 Expression: ECCT exposure significantly decreased JNK2α2 expression in U-87MG GBM cells. The reduction was particularly notable at higher intensities (30 and 50 PPV) and longer exposure durations (48 and 72 hours), suggesting that ECCT effectively disrupts the MAPK signaling pathway, which is crucial for cell proliferation and survival. Decrease in Cell Viability and Proliferation: Prolonged ECCT exposure led to a significant reduction in GBM cell counts. The most substantial reduction in cell proliferation was observed at 72 hours, indicating that longer durations of ECCT enhance its anti-proliferative effects. Mechanism of Action: ECCT disrupts the JNK2α2 signaling pathway, which is part of the MAPK pathway involved in cell proliferation and survival. This disruption leads to decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis of GBM cells. Additionally, ECCT affects receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) interactions on the cell membrane, disrupting downstream signaling pathways like Ras/Raf/MEK/p42/44MAPK, which are essential for cell growth and survival. This disruption inhibits tumor cell proliferation and promotes cell death. Therapeutic Implications: ECCT offers a non-invasive method to target GBM cells, potentially reducing the need for aggressive surgical interventions. The significant reduction in cell proliferation with ECCT highlights its potential as a complementary therapy to existing treatments. Safety and Efficacy : The study demonstrates the safety of ECCT, with no adverse effects on normal cell function observed. The efficacy of ECCT in reducing GBM cell proliferation suggests promising therapeutic outcomes, particularly when used in conjunction with other treatment modalities. Clinical Implications: ECCT offers a promising non-invasive alternative to traditional GBM treatments, which often involve invasive procedures with significant side effects. ECCT could be effectively combined with other treatments to enhance therapeutic outcomes. For example, combining ECCT with chemotherapeutic agents could improve overall efficacy by targeting multiple pathways simultaneously. Ensuring the safety of ECCT is crucial for its clinical application, and this study highlights its safety profile, minimizing concerns about adverse effects. The effect of non‐contact electro capacitive cancer therapy on DMBA‐ induced rat breast tumor angiogenesis Researchers have explored a new cancer treatment called ECCT and found that it can affect blood vessel growth in breast cancer tumours. This treatment uses electrical fields to target tumours without harming normal breast tissue. The study showed that ECCT increases certain proteins that help form blood vessels in tumours, which might help fight cancer in a new way. ​ Key Findings: Impact on Angiogenic Gene Expression in Normal Breast Tissues: ECCT exposure did not significantly alter the expression of Hif1α, Sp1, and Vegfa genes in normal breast tissues. This indicates that ECCT does not induce or suppress angiogenesis-related gene expression in non-cancerous cells, suggesting its safety for normal tissues. Impact on Angiogenic Gene Expression in DMBA-Induced Tumors: There was a significant increase in Vegfa expression in the INT (induced non-therapy) group, reflecting the tumor’s angiogenic response to DMBA induction. Vegfa expression was notably lower in the IT (induced therapy) group following ECCT treatment, suggesting that ECCT effectively downregulates Vegfa expression in tumor tissues and potentially inhibits tumor angiogenesis. In addition, Hif1α expression significantly increased in the INT group, indicating a hypoxic response and angiogenic drive in the tumor. No significant change in Hif1α expression in the IT group post-ECCT treatment suggests that ECCT might mitigate the hypoxic conditions or the tumor's response to hypoxia. Vegfr2 Gene Expression and Protein Levels: Vegfr2 gene expression remained unchanged with ECCT exposure, supporting that ECCT does not adversely affect angiogenesis in normal tissues. Vegfr2 expression was significantly higher in the IT group compared to the INT group, suggesting that while ECCT downregulates Vegfa, it upregulates Vegfr2, indicating a shift towards Vegfr2-mediated angiogenesis. Immunohistochemistry confirmed increased Vegfr2 protein levels in the IT group, corresponding with the gene expression data. This suggests enhanced angiogenesis via a different pathway facilitated by Vegfr2. Angiogenesis Assessment: The IT group showed a higher number of blood vessels compared to the INT group, indicating that ECCT impacts tumor vasculature. This might be due to the shift towards Vegfr2-mediated angiogenesis, resulting in enhanced blood vessel formation. Safety and Non-Invasive Nature of ECCT: The lack of significant changes in angiogenic gene expression in normal breast tissues under ECCT exposure suggests its safety and minimal impact on non-cancerous cells.The downregulation of Vegfa and stabilization of Hif1α in tumor tissues indicate that ECCT can counteract the tumor's angiogenic response without inducing significant hypoxia. Mechanism of Action: The study indicates a shift in angiogenic pathways from Vegfa to Vegfr2 under ECCT. Vegfr2 is involved in stable and mature blood vessel formation, which might support immune cell infiltration and anti-tumor immunity. By downregulating primary angiogenic drivers and promoting Vegfr2 pathways, ECCT alters the tumor’s angiogenic landscape, potentially making it more susceptible to immune-mediated tumor suppression. Therapeutic Implications: ECCT offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional therapies, reducing the need for surgical interventions and associated complications. ECCT can be combined with existing treatments, enhancing overall therapeutic efficacy and reducing side effects by modulating angiogenic pathways. Alternating Current-Electric Field Inducing Chorio Allantoic Membrane (CAM) Angiogenesis through Exogenous Growth Factor Intervention This study explores a fascinating new way to promote the formation of new blood vessels, which is crucial for healing and recovery in many medical conditions. Scientists used a special device to create tiny electric fields and combined it with a natural growth substance called basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in a chick embryo model. They found that while the electric fields alone didn't do much, the combination with bFGF led to a significant increase in new blood vessel growth. This breakthrough could lead to new treatments for conditions like heart disease, where improving blood flow is essential, and certain cancers, where controlling blood vessel growth is crucial. This research shows how innovative technologies can work together with natural processes to improve health and recovery. Key Findings: No Impact on Normal Angiogenesis: AC-EF exposure did not significantly affect angiogenesis in non-bFGF-induced groups (NINT and NIT), indicating that intermediate-frequency AC-EF at 150 kHz and 18 Vpp is safe for normal physiological processes. Enhanced Angiogenesis with bFGF: Significant promotion of angiogenesis was observed in the bFGF-induced AC-EF group (IT), suggesting a synergistic effect of bFGF induction and AC-EF treatment. Highest Number of New Blood Vessels: The IT group, which received both bFGF induction and AC-EF treatment, exhibited the highest number of new blood vessels (36.67±10.48) and the highest angiogenesis response (51.95±43.04%), significantly more than other groups (P<0.05). Statistical Significance: The IT group's increase in new blood vessels was statistically significant compared to the other groups, as indicated by different superscript letters in the analysis. VEGFA Gene Expression: No significant upregulation of VEGFA gene expression was observed in the NIT group (non-bFGF-induced, AC-EF exposure), indicating that AC-EF alone does not significantly alter VEGFA expression. Slight, but not statistically significant, upregulation of VEGFA was observed in the IT group (bFGF-induced, AC-EF exposure), suggesting that other factors might also contribute to the enhanced angiogenic response. Safety of AC-EF: The lack of effect on normal angiogenesis in non-bFGF-induced groups supports the safety profile of AC-EF for clinical applications, ensuring no adverse effects on healthy tissue. Therapeutic Potential: The enhanced angiogenic response in the IT group highlights the potential of AC-EF combined with growth factors like bFGF for therapeutic strategies aimed at promoting vascular growth in conditions such as chronic wounds, ischemic tissues, and certain cardiovascular diseases. Context-Dependent Effects of AC-EF: The study demonstrates that the presence of exogenous growth factors like bFGF is crucial in determining the pro-angiogenic effect of AC-EF, contrasting with previous findings of AC-EF's anti-angiogenic effects in other contexts. Implications for Regenerative Medicine: The findings suggest potential applications of AC-EF in regenerative medicine, such as wound healing and the treatment of ischemic conditions, by promoting tissue repair and regeneration. Wire-Mesh Capacitance Tomography for Treatment Planning System of Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy Brain cancer stands as one of the most formidable and challenging types of cancer to combat. However, a recent breakthrough in research has introduced a novel approach in its treatment utilizing electric fields. This innovative method, termed electro-capacitive cancer therapy (ECCT), presents a non-invasive alternative devoid of the adverse effects commonly associated with traditional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation. ECCT operates by applying an electric field to the tumor region via a specialized helmet. This field disrupts the growth and multiplication of cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. ​ Key Findings Electric Field Distribution in Air Medium: Helmet-1: Average electric field: 1585.72 V/m; highest distribution along the y-axis. Helmet-2: Average electric field: 1413.28 V/m; highest distribution along the x-axis. Electric Field Distribution in Grey Matter and Cancer: Helmet-1: Grey matter: 97.43 V/m; Cancer: 80.58 V/m. Optimal for cancers located on the right and bottom. Helmet-2: Grey matter: 64.20 V/m; Cancer: 52.65 V/m. Optimal for cancers located at the top and bottom. Compensation Error Analysis: Helmet-1 exhibited higher electric field values and a different distribution pattern compared to Helmet-2. The compensation error varied with cancer location, with Helmet-1 showing more significant differences between simulations and experimental data. Field Distribution Patterns: Both sensors effectively measured the electric field distribution, with the 8×8 sensor providing more granular data. The field distribution in the phantom was significantly lower than in the air, highlighting the impact of tissue permittivity. Resolution and Accuracy: The 8×8 sensor achieved an 82.42% reduction in electric field values in the phantom compared to air, while the 3×3 sensor showed a 61.8% reduction. Bilinear interpolation improved the resolution, making the 8×8 sensor preferable for precise measurements. Clinical Implications Non-Invasive and Precise Measurement: Wire mesh sensors provide a non-invasive method to accurately measure electric fields in therapeutic settings, ensuring proper ECCT application, particularly in sensitive areas like the brain. Voltage Control for Optimized Treatment: Accurate electric field distribution measurement allows for precise control of voltage levels, optimizing therapeutic efficacy and reducing the risk of unintended tissue damage. Effectiveness of Wire Mesh Electrodes: Both active and passive wire mesh electrodes measure electric field distribution accurately without altering the pattern, ensuring reliable dosing and targeted treatment. Enhanced Treatment Planning: Detailed electric field distribution enables fine-tuning of ECCT parameters, maximizing therapeutic benefits and minimizing exposure to healthy tissues. Potential for Broad Clinical Application: The successful use of wire mesh sensors supports their integration into various clinical applications, providing a versatile tool for optimizing electric field-based therapies across different cancer types. A Novel Method for Measurement of Electric Field in Emulated Human Body Tissue using Wire Mesh Sensor The study introduces a fresh technique for measuring electric fields, potentially upgrading treatment planning for therapies reliant on electric fields. This innovation holds promise in boosting the effectiveness of such treatments for cancer patients. Ultimately, it could revolutionize how we utilize electric fields in cancer treatment, paving the way for significant improvements in patient care. ​ Key Findings Voltage and Electric Field Distribution: Wire Mesh Sensor 3×3 showed distinct voltage patterns for air and phantom mediums with higher electric field values in air. Wire Mesh Sensor 8×8 provided higher resolution and more detailed electric field distribution, with clear differentiation between air and phantom mediums. Simulation and Experimental Validation: Simulations confirmed significant differences in electric field distribution between air and phantom. Experimental results consistent with simulations, validating the accuracy of wire mesh sensors. The 8×8 sensor demonstrated superior resolution and accuracy compared to the 3×3 sensor. Field Distribution Patterns: Both sensors effectively measured electric field distribution, with the 8×8 sensor providing more granular data. The electric field distribution in the phantom was significantly lower than in air, highlighting the impact of tissue permittivity. Resolution and Accuracy: The 8×8 sensor achieved an 82.42% reduction in electric field values in the phantom compared to air. The 3×3 sensor showed a 61.8% reduction. Bilinear interpolation improved the resolution, making the 8×8 sensor preferable for precise measurements. Clinical Implications Non-Invasive and Precise Measurement: The wire mesh sensors provide a non-invasive method to accurately measure electric fields in therapeutic settings. This precision ensures that ECCT is applied correctly, particularly in sensitive areas such as the brain, optimizing therapeutic outcomes and minimizing side effects. Voltage Control for Optimized Treatment: The findings emphasize the importance of voltage control in ECCT. Ensuring stable and appropriate voltage levels can optimize therapeutic efficacy, effectively inhibiting cancer cell growth while reducing the risk of unintended tissue damage. Effectiveness of Wire Mesh Electrodes: Both active and passive wire mesh electrodes accurately measure electric field distribution without altering the pattern. This reliability is crucial for ensuring accurate dosing and targeted treatment, which is essential for effective cancer therapy. Enhanced Treatment Planning: Understanding the electric field distribution within the body model allows for fine-tuning ECCT parameters. This knowledge enables clinicians to maximize therapeutic benefits by targeting cancer cells more effectively and minimizing exposure to healthy tissues. Potential for Broad Clinical Application: The successful use of wire mesh sensors to analyze electric field distribution supports their integration into broader clinical applications. This technology can be used in various cancer treatments beyond brain cancer, providing a versatile tool for optimizing electric field-based therapies across different cancer types. Electric Field-Based Cancer Therapy Induces the Expression of HMGB1 and PD-L1 mRNA Genes on Breast Tumor of Female Rats The study observed that exposing breast tumor samples in rats to electric fields led to increased activity in specific genes, potentially influencing the tumor's behavior. Additionally, it demonstrated the safety of ECCT for healthy organs, particularly the brain and liver, in female rats. ​ K ey Findings Up-Regulation of HMGB1 and PD-L1 in Breast Tumor Tissue: Significant up-regulation of HMGB1 mRNA in the therapy (IT) group compared to the non-therapy (INT) group. Significant up-regulation of PD-L1 mRNA in the IT group, indicating enhanced expression following ECCT exposure. Amplification and melt peak curves confirmed the specificity of the primers used for both genes. No Significant Changes in Brain and Liver Tissues: No significant changes in the expression of HMGB1 and PD-L1 in healthy brain tissues after ECCT exposure. No significant changes in the expression of HMGB1, PD-L1, and interferon-γ in healthy liver tissues post-ECCT exposure. Tumor Microenvironment Impact: ECCT may affect tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) formation, influencing the tumor microenvironment. This disruption can impair the ability of cancer cells to sustain themselves, contributing to tumor shrinkage. Safety and Efficacy: Histopathological observations showed no damage in non-tumor tissues, underscoring the safety of ECCT. This therapy selectively targets cancer cells without affecting normal cells, a crucial advantage over conventional therapies. The absence of histopathological changes in non-tumor tissues reinforces the safety of ECCT, ensuring effective treatment without significant side effects. Modulation of Cellular Proliferation and Apoptosis: Significant up-regulation of HMGB1 in the IT group suggests that ECCT promotes immunogenic cell death (ICD), enhancing the immune response against tumors. PD-L1 up-regulation in the IT group, along with increased CD8+ T cell activity, indicates an anti-tumor immune response rather than immune suppression. Down-Regulation of Inflammatory Cytokines in Tumor Tissue: Significant down-regulation of CCL2 and IL18 in the IT group indicates that ECCT reduces pro-inflammatory and pro-tumorigenic signals. CCL2 is involved in recruiting monocytes and macrophages to the tumor site, while IL18 promotes cell proliferation and migration. Their reduction suggests a less favorable environment for tumor growth and metastasis. Antiproliferative Effect of Electric Fields on Breast Tumor Cells In Vitro and In Vivo The study shows ECCT stands as a potential novel approach for treating breast cancer. This therapy employs low-intensity, intermediate-frequency electric fields and has exhibited promising outcomes in both laboratory experiments and trials conducted on mice. Research indicated that ECCT not only slowed the growth of cancer cells but also halted the growth of some cells entirely. ​ Key Findings In Vitro Findings: Growth Inhibition: ECCT exposure significantly inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells by 28-39%, with the highest inhibition observed at 24 hours. This suggests that ECCT disrupts cellular processes critical for cancer cell survival and replication. C ellular Effects: Cells exposed to ECCT showed reduced proliferation rates and significant cell destruction during mitosis, indicating that ECCT interferes with the normal cell cycle, specifically during cytokinesis, leading to cancer cell death. In Vivo Findings: Tumor Size Reduction: Mice injected with adenocarcinoma cells exhibited a significant tumor size reduction of over 67% following ECCT exposure. This substantial reduction demonstrates the efficacy of ECCT in shrinking tumors without the need for invasive procedures. Histopathology: No abnormal histopathological changes were observed in non-tumor tissues of ECCT-treated mice, highlighting the safety of ECCT. Tumor tissues showed extensive macrophage infiltration and the presence of apoptotic cells, suggesting an immune-mediated response to ECCT. Tumor Microenvironment: ECCT may alter TIF formation, affecting the tumor microenvironment. Changes in tumor texture suggest that ECCT disrupts the structural integrity of the tumor, potentially impairing cancer cell interactions and growth dynamics. Safety and Efficacy: Histopathological Observations: The absence of damage in non-tumor tissues highlights the safety of ECCT. This is a crucial advantage over many conventional therapies that often harm healthy tissues. Selective Action on Tumor Cells: ECCT selectively targets cancer cells without affecting normal cells, minimizing adverse effects and maximizing therapeutic efficacy. Cellular Proliferation and Apoptosis: Reduction in PCNA Expression: PCNA is a marker of cell proliferation. The significant reduction in PCNA expression in the IT group indicates that ECCT effectively inhibits the proliferative capacity of tumor cells, crucial for slowing tumor growth. Induction of Apoptosis: The increase in caspase-3 expression signifies enhanced apoptotic activity. ECCT promotes apoptosis, reducing the number of viable cancer cells and contributing to tumor shrinkage. Inflammatory Cytokines: Down-Regulation of CCL2 and IL18: CCL2 and IL18 are involved in promoting inflammation and supporting tumor growth. Their down-regulation indicates a shift towards a less inflammatory and less supportive tumor microenvironment, less conducive to cancer progression. Evaluation of Static Electric Field Exposure on Histopathological Structure and Function of Kidney and Liver in DMBA- Induced RAT The study demonstrates that ECCT is not only safe for the liver and kidneys but also spares normal cells from harm. This stands as a significant advantage, addressing a key challenge in cancer treatment—how to target cancer cells without harming healthy ones. The research shows that, in rats, kidney and liver functions declined over time with chemotherapy alone, whereas those receiving ECCT did not experience the same deterioration. ​ Key Findings Kidney Histopathology Glomerular Injury: No significant differences in glomerular injury scores were observed among the groups, indicating that neither DMBA induction nor electric field exposure caused notable glomerular damage. Tubular Injury: The Induction Non-Therapy (INT) group had the highest tubular injury score, significantly different from the Induction Therapy (IT) group. This demonstrates the nephrotoxic effect of DMBA. ECCT reduced tubular damage, suggesting a protective or reparative effect. Interstitial Injury: Inflammation, hemorrhage, and necrosis were observed, but there were no significant differences in interstitial injury scores among the groups. Congestion: DMBA induction increased congestion, but ECCT exposure potentially reduced congestion, as indicated by the significantly lower congestion scores in the Non-Induction Therapy (NIT) group compared to other groups. Liver Histopathology Cellular Injury: No significant differences in cellular injury scores among the groups. All groups showed close mean values, indicating minimal liver damage from either DMBA or ECCT. Hemorrhage and Congestion: DMBA induction significantly induced hemorrhage, but the congestion score was highest in the IT group, suggesting a synergic effect of DMBA and ECCT on vascular congestion. Blood Plasma Analysis Creatinine Levels: Significant increases in creatinine levels in all groups except the IT group post-treatment. The IT group showed a significant decrease, suggesting ECCT may mitigate DMBA-induced nephrotoxicity. AST and ALT Levels: Both AST and ALT levels increased post-treatment but remained within or close to normal ranges. The IT group exhibited a normalization trend, indicating potential protective effects of ECCT on liver function. Tumor Microenvironment Impact on Tumor Interstitial Fluid (TIF): ECCT may alter TIF formation, affecting the tumor microenvironment. This disruption can impair the ability of cancer cells to sustain themselves, contributing to tumor shrinkage. Disruption of Tumor Cell Interactions: The change in tumor texture to a softer, more fluid-like state suggests that ECCT disrupts the structural integrity of the tumor. This could impair the ability of cancer cells to interact with each other and with stromal cells, hindering their growth and proliferation. Safety and Efficacy No Significant Histopathological Injuries: The study found no significant histopathological injuries in the kidney and liver tissues of rats exposed to ECCT, indicating that the therapy is safe for these vital organs. Reduction in Tubular Injury: ECCT reduced tubular injury scores in the kidney, suggesting a potential protective effect against DMBA-induced nephrotoxicity. Normalization of Creatinine Levels: The decrease in creatinine levels in the IT group suggests that ECCT may help maintain or restore normal kidney function. Moderate Changes in AST and ALT Levels: While there were changes in AST and ALT levels, they remained within normal ranges, indicating that ECCT does not adversely affect liver function. Potential Mechanisms Reduced Oxidative Stress: The protective effects observed could be due to reduced oxidative stress, as ECCT may improve circulation and reduce ROS levels, which are known to cause cellular damage. Enhanced Repair Mechanisms: ECCT may promote tissue repair mechanisms, improving histopathological outcomes and maintaining organ function. CCL2 and IL18 expressions may associate with the anti-proliferative effect of noncontact electro capacitive cancer therapy in vivo ECCT, by potentially reducing the activity of specific genes within breast tumor cells, holds promise in slowing down their growth. This implication positions ECCT as a potentially groundbreaking approach in the treatment of breast cancer, offering a new avenue for combating this disease. Key Findings Effective Tumor Inhibition: The IT group showed significantly lower tumor growth rates compared to the INT group, indicating that ECCT effectively inhibits mammary tumor growth. Tumors in the IT group appeared softer and more fluid-like, suggesting altered tumor texture. Histopathological Changes: Tumors in the IT group exhibited necrosis and apoptosis, characterized by blackening and detachment, which indicates effective tumor cell death and sloughing off of dead tissue. The IT group demonstrated significantly lower PCNA expression (p<0.01), indicating reduced cell proliferation, and lower ErbB2 expression (p<0.05), suggesting decreased tumor aggressiveness. Higher expression of caspase-3 (p<0.01) in the IT group indicated increased apoptosis. Additionally, elevated CD68 expression (p<0.01) suggested enhanced macrophage infiltration, likely contributing to tumor regression. Immune Response Modulation: The IT group showed increased infiltration of macrophages likely of the M1 phenotype, promoting an anti-tumor response. Increased CD8+ T cell infiltration in the IT group, leading to a lower CD4/CD8 ratio, which is associated with a stronger anti-tumor immune response. Molecular Analysis: The IT group exhibited significantly lower mRNA expression of CCL2 (15.29 fold change vs. 97.72 in INT) and IL18 (1.34 fold change vs. 2.08 in INT), indicating reduced pro-inflammatory and pro-tumorigenic signals. No significant differences in TNF-α and IL23α expression between IT and INT groups, suggesting these cytokines are not majorly affected by ECCT. Safety and Efficacy: ECCT did not cause damage to non-tumor tissues, indicating its safety. The therapy selectively targets cancer cells, promoting tumor regression without harming normal tissues. Cytotoxic T cells response with decreased CD4/CD8 ratio during mammary tumors inhibition in rats induced by non-contact electric fields This approach isn't just about slowing tumor growth; it also plays a significant role in bolstering the body's natural immune response against the tumor. By leveraging this method, there's a dual benefit—restraining the tumor's expansion while empowering the body's defense mechanisms to better combat and potentially suppress the cancerous growth. ​ Key Findings Effective Tumor Inhibition: The Therapy (IT) group exhibited significantly lower tumor growth rates compared to the Non-Therapy (INT) group, indicating that ECCT effectively inhibits mammary tumor growth. Histopathological Changes: Tumors in the IT group showed signs of necrosis and apoptosis, including blackening and detachment, leading to healing. The IT group had lower PCNA expression, indicating reduced cell proliferation, while ErbB2 expression remained unchanged. Higher nuclear and hollow region caspase-3 expression in the IT group indicated advanced apoptosis stages facilitated by ECCT. Immune Response Modulation: The IT group had CD68+ macrophages likely of the M1 phenotype, promoting an anti-tumor response. Increased CD8+ T cell infiltration in the IT group with a lower CD4/CD8 ratio, enhancing cytotoxic immune response against tumors. Safety and Efficacy: The study demonstrated that ECCT is safe, with no adverse effects on normal tissues, and effectively reduces tumor growth and modulates the immune response in rats. Non-Invasive: ECCT offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional cancer therapies, potentially reducing side effects and improving patient quality of life. Potential for Combination Therapy: ECCT could be integrated with existing cancer treatments to enhance overall efficacy and target different aspects of tumor biology. Effects of Non-Contact Electric Fields on Kidney and Liver Histology in Tumour-Induced Rats Scientists conducted trials testing a new non-contact method of treating cancer using weak electric fields. These fields, harmless to normal cells, possess the ability to impede the growth and division of cancer cells by affecting their internal structures. In their study, rats with chemically induced breast cancer were exposed to varying strengths of these electric fields. Subsequently, the researchers examined the rats' kidneys and livers to assess any potential damage caused by the electric fields. Encouragingly, they found no harm inflicted on these organs and even noted a potential positive impact on kidney function in healthy rats. Based on their findings, the scientists concluded that the electric fields are safe for the kidney and liver in rats with breast cancer, advocating further research into optimizing their application and mechanism of action. ​ Key Findings Safety of EF Exposure: Non-contact electric field (EF) exposure at intermediate frequencies does not cause significant histopathological damage to the kidneys and livers of tumor-induced rats, indicating the safety of ECCT. Impact on Kidney Histopathology: Tubular Damage: No significant differences in tubular damage scores among the groups, suggesting EF exposure does not exacerbate DMBA-induced nephrotoxicity. Interstitial Damage: Significant reduction in renal inflammation and hemorrhage in the NIT group, indicating potential protective effects of EF exposure against oxidative stress and inflammation. Glomerular Damage: No significant differences in glomerular damage, indicating that EF exposure does not impact the structural integrity of glomeruli. Congestion: No significant differences in congestion, implying that EF exposure does not adversely affect renal blood flow. Impact on Liver Histopathology: Cellular Damage: No significant cellular damage, indicating that EF exposure is not hepatotoxic and maintains liver cell integrity. Hemorrhage: Higher hemorrhage scores in the NIT group suggest sensitivity of actively dividing liver cells to EF, but no significant damage in tumor-induced rats, indicating a selective effect of EF. Congestion: No significant differences in congestion and no fibrosis observed, indicating no chronic liver damage from EF exposure. Renal Protection: The reduction in renal inflammation and hemorrhage scores suggests that EF exposure may mitigate nephrotoxicity, potentially protecting renal function. Liver Sensitivity: Higher hemorrhage scores in the NIT group indicate sensitivity to EF in actively dividing liver cells, but the lack of significant damage in tumor-induced rats suggests that EF selectively affects dividing cells without causing extensive harm. Non-Invasive and Safe Therapy: ECCT presents a non-invasive treatment option with minimal adverse effects on healthy tissues, addressing the critical need for safer cancer treatments. Potential for Combination Therapy: ECCT could be integrated with existing cancer treatments to enhance efficacy while minimizing side effects. Therapeutic Implications: The study underscores the potential of ECCT as a non-invasive, safe, and effective cancer treatment modality. The absence of significant adverse effects on the kidneys and liver, coupled with potential protective benefits, highlights the therapeutic value of ECCT. Numerical Analysis of Electric Force Distribution on Tumor Mass Researchers have explored a pioneering approach to cancer treatment involving continuous, one-directional electric fields. These steady electric fields exert pressures on tumor cells, either propelling or retracting them. Using a computer model, scientists measured the electric force acting on tumor cells within breast cancer tissue. They evaluated two scenarios: one with a uniform distribution of the electric field across the tissue and another concentrating more powerfully on the tumor cells. Results highlighted a significantly higher electric force on the tumor cells compared to normal cells, further intensifying when the electric field specifically targeted the tumor cells. These findings led researchers to suggest that electric fields could potentially eliminate tumor cells by inducing their rupture or bursting. ​ Key Findings Non-Homogeneous EF Intensity at Lesion Boundary: The electric field (EF) intensity was non-homogeneous at the boundary between the lesion and the medium, but homogeneous within the lesion itself. This non-homogeneity at the boundary is crucial for the effectiveness of ECCT, as it suggests targeted treatment at the tumor edges where cancer cells are more likely to detach and die. Dependence on Dielectric Constant: The EF intensity increased with higher dielectric constants of the medium. This indicates that the medium’s properties significantly influence the treatment efficacy, with tumor tissues—typically having higher dielectric constants than normal tissues—being more susceptible to the effects of ECCT. Voltage Variation and EF Gradient: Increasing the applied voltage difference (Vpp) led to a higher gradient of EF intensity, enhancing the therapeutic potential of ECCT. Higher applied voltages resulted in steeper EF gradients, which can be used to optimize treatment parameters. Strong Dielectrophoretic Force (FDEP) at Lesion Boundary: A strong dielectrophoretic force was observed at the lesion-medium boundary, contributing to the detachment of the tumor mass from surrounding tissues. This force is crucial for disrupting microtubule polymerization, causing mitotic arrest and subsequent cell death. Impact on Different Lesion Sizes: Variations in lesion diameter did not significantly affect the EF intensity distribution, suggesting that ECCT’s effectiveness is consistent across different tumor sizes. This versatility is beneficial for treating a wide range of cancer cases. Relevance to Tubulin Dimer Size: The dielectrophoretic force was more related to the tubulin dimer size rather than the lesion size, indicating that even small changes in EF can significantly impact cell mitosis. This highlights the impact of EF on cellular structures, preventing cancer cells from completing mitosis and leading to cell cycle arrest and death. Clinical Implications Non-Invasive and Targeted Therapy: ECCT’s ability to generate strong electric forces specifically at the tumor boundary without affecting surrounding tissues underscores its potential as a targeted, non-invasive cancer therapy. This method reduces the need for aggressive surgical interventions. Consistency Across Tumor Sizes: The effectiveness of ECCT across different lesion sizes suggests it could be widely applicable in clinical settings, providing a versatile treatment option for various cancer types and stages. Potential for Combination Therapy: ECCT could be integrated with other treatments, such as chemotherapy, to enhance overall efficacy. Its non-invasive nature and targeted action could help reduce side effects and improve patient outcomes. Relative Expression of IL-10 and TNF-α mRNA of Kidney and Spleen Tissues of Rat with and without Mammary Tumor after Exposure to Alternating Current Electric Field Researchers have investigated a groundbreaking cancer treatment approach employing electric fields with varying direction and strength. These low-intensity electric fields, harmless to normal cells, disrupt the growth and division of cancer cells by influencing their internal structures. In a study involving rats with chemically induced breast cancer, the subjects were exposed to different electric field strengths. Assessments of two molecules linked to inflammation and immune response in the kidney and spleen indicated no adverse effects on these organs. Notably, there were signs that the electric fields might mitigate inflammation and enhance immune response in rats with breast cancer. The researchers concluded that electric fields are safe for the kidney and spleen in rats with breast cancer, underscoring the necessity for further studies to optimize their application and understand their mechanisms. ​ Key Findings Impact on IL-10 mRNA Expression in Kidney Tissues: No significant changes in IL-10 mRNA expression were observed in the Non-Induced Non-Therapy (NINT) and Non-Induced Therapy (NIT) groups compared to the control group, indicating that ECCT does not induce substantial anti-inflammatory responses in non-tumor-bearing kidneys. A significant increase in IL-10 mRNA expression was seen in the Induced Non-Therapy (INT) group (p < 0.05), suggesting an inflammatory response to DMBA-induced tumors. No significant changes were observed in the Induced Therapy (IT) group, although there were increasing tendencies, indicating that ECCT might have a mild anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of tumors. Impact on IL-10 mRNA Expression in Spleen Tissues: No significant changes in IL-10 mRNA expression were observed across all groups, suggesting that ECCT does not significantly impact the spleen’s inflammatory response, even in tumor-bearing conditions. Impact on TNF-α mRNA Expression in Kidney Tissues: No significant changes in TNF-α mRNA expression were observed across all groups, though there were decreasing tendencies. This indicates that ECCT does not induce a pro-inflammatory response in the kidneys and might slightly suppress pro-inflammatory signals. Impact on TNF-α mRNA Expression in Spleen Tissues: No significant changes in TNF-α mRNA expression were observed across all groups, suggesting that ECCT does not enhance pro-inflammatory responses in the spleen. No Adverse Effects on Normal Inflammatory Response: ECCT exposure did not significantly affect IL-10 and TNF-α mRNA expression in the kidneys of normal rats, indicating that ECCT does not induce harmful inflammatory responses in non-cancerous conditions and is safe for normal tissues. Enhanced IL-10 Expression in Tumor-Bearing Rats: Significant upregulation of IL-10 mRNA in the INT group indicates an inflammatory response to DMBA-induced tumors, possibly counteracting inflammation and oxidative stress. TNF-α Expression Dynamics: The absence of significant changes in TNF-α expression across all groups suggests that ECCT does not exacerbate pro-inflammatory responses. The decreasing tendencies in TNF-α expression might indicate an inhibitory effect of IL-10, maintaining a balanced inflammatory response. Non-Invasive and Safe Therapy: ECCT is a non-invasive treatment option with minimal adverse effects on healthy tissues, potentially enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients by reducing treatment-related side effects. Potential for Combination Therapy: ECCT could be combined with other treatments to enhance therapeutic efficacy, leveraging its anti-inflammatory properties to mitigate the side effects of conventional therapies. Safety and Efficacy of ECCT: The study indicates that ECCT does not significantly affect IL-10 and TNF-α expression in kidneys and spleens of rats, whether they have mammary tumors or not, suggesting that ECCT is a safe treatment modality without significant inflammatory or anti-inflammatory responses in vital organs. Non-Contact Electric Field May Induced Higher CD4, CD8, Caspase-8, and Caspase-9 Protein Expression in Breast Tumor Tissue of Rats Imagine a cancer treatment that's not only effective but also gentle on the body. That's what researchers found when they tested a new method called non-contact electric field therapy on rats with breast tumors. This therapy uses low-intensity electric fields to slow down tumor growth, making the tumor cells less harmful. It also boosts the body's natural defenses and helps kill off cancer cells more efficiently. The best part? It doesn't cause the harsh side effects often seen with traditional cancer treatments. This could be a game-changer for cancer patients, offering a safer and more tolerable way to fight the disease. Key Findings Suppression of Tumor Growth: Non-contact electric field therapy significantly suppressed the growth of breast tumors in rats. The therapy group showed a slower rate of tumor nodule growth compared to the untreated group. Improvement in Histological Structure: The therapy group exhibited an improved histological structure of the breast tumor tissue. The connective tissue structure was more clearly defined, with wider lumens and more uniform epithelial cell shape and size. Enhanced Immune Response: Higher expression of CD4 and CD8 proteins was observed in the therapy group. CD4+ lymphocytes, which are crucial for priming CD8+ lymphocytes, were more abundant in the therapy group, indicating a stronger immune response. Increased Apoptosis: The therapy group showed higher expression of caspase-8 and caspase-9 proteins, which are key initiators of apoptosis. The presence of these proteins suggests that the therapy induces a higher rate of apoptosis in tumor cells. Necrosis and Necroptosis: The therapy group had a slightly higher necrosis area, but the difference was not significant. The presence of necroptosis, a form of programmed necrosis, was indicated by the higher expression of caspase-8 and caspase-9. Clinical Indications Alternative Cancer Therapy: The study provides evidence that non-contact electric field therapy can be an effective alternative to traditional cancer therapies, which often have severe side effects. This therapy can potentially reduce tumor growth and improve the histological structure of tumor tissue. Immune System Activation: The therapy enhances the immune response by increasing the infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes into the tumor tissue. This immune activation can lead to better tumor cell elimination and control of tumor growth. Induction of Apoptosis: The therapy induces higher levels of caspase-8 and caspase-9, which are crucial for initiating apoptosis. By promoting apoptosis, the therapy can effectively kill cancer cells and prevent tumor progression. Safety and Tolerance: The therapy was shown to be safe, with no significant damage to the kidney and liver. The lack of significant side effects makes this therapy a promising option for cancer patients. Potential for Personalized Medicine: The study suggests that non-contact electric field therapy could be tailored to individual patients based on their specific tumor characteristics and immune response. Further research could explore the optimal frequency and intensity of electric fields for different types of cancer. Electric Field Distribution Analysis of Blood Cancer as a Potential Blood Cancer Therapy The paper presents electric fields as a novel and effective treatment for blood cancer, a serious condition arising from the abnormal growth of white blood cells. The authors highlighted the impact of various factors—electrode size, shape, material, and voltage—on the electric field distribution in blood. Their suggestion is to use electrodes with high voltage and small size, generating robust electric fields capable of eliminating cancer cells through dielectrophoresis or electrochemical processes. This method holds promise as a potentially safer and more cost-effective alternative to other treatments. ​ Key Findings Optimal Electrode Arrangement: Model 3, where electrodes are placed on two sides of the object with opposite electric poles, provided the most uniform and effective electric field distribution. This configuration is crucial for ensuring that the electric field can effectively target cancer cells throughout the treatment area. Electric Field Distribution in Different Mediums: In simulations conducted in both air and blood mediums, Model 3 consistently showed superior electric field distribution compared to other configurations. This uniformity is essential for maximizing the therapeutic effects of ECCT. Effect of Voltage on Electric Field Intensity: Increasing the input voltage directly increased the electric field intensity. At 0.34 V input voltage, the maximum electric field values for normal blood, B lymphocytes, and T lymphocytes were 22.6 V/m, 22.85 V/m, and 24.88 V/m, respectively. Doubling the input voltage to 0.68 V further increased these values, demonstrating that higher electric field intensities can be achieved to enhance therapeutic effects. Dielectrophoretic Migration: Leukocytes were observed to migrate towards regions with higher electric fields, indicating positive dielectrophoresis. This migration is crucial for concentrating the therapeutic effects of ECCT on cancer cells. Voltage Threshold for Leukocyte Breakdown: A minimum voltage of 0.34 V was identified as necessary to convert leukocytes into electric current, facilitating their breakdown. This threshold voltage is critical for ensuring effective disruption of cancer cells. Impact of Photosensitizers: Adding a photosensitizer like Porphyrin can lower the permittivity of blood, enhancing the dielectrophoretic effects and increasing leukocyte breakdown. This approach could further improve the efficacy of ECCT in clinical settings. Non-Invasive Treatment Potential: ECCT offers a non-invasive method to target blood cancer cells, potentially reducing the need for aggressive treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This highlights the potential of ECCT as a safer and more comfortable treatment option for patients. Safety and Efficacy: The study demonstrates that ECCT effectively targets cancer cells without significantly impacting healthy cells, supporting its safety as a treatment modality. ​ Non-contact Electric Field Exposure Provides Potential Cancer Therapy through p53-Independent Proliferation Arrest and Intrinsic Pathway Apoptosis Induction in MG-63 Cell Lines Osteosarcoma, a highly malignant bone tumor primarily affecting children and young adults, poses significant challenges in treatment due to its aggressive nature and propensity for metastasis. Traditional therapies, including chemotherapy and surgery, often come with severe side effects and may not effectively halt the progression of the disease. This study explores a novel, non-invasive approach using non-contact electric field exposure as a potential therapy for osteosarcoma, focusing on its effects on MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells. The researchers exposed MG-63 cells to a non-contact electric field at a frequency of 200 kHz for six days. This treatment led to remarkable changes in cell behavior, including a significant reduction in cell proliferation and the induction of apoptosis. The study utilized real-time qPCR and flow cytometry to analyze gene expression and apoptotic indices, respectively. ​ Key Findings Cell Morphology and Proliferation: Exposing MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells to a non-contact electric field at evidenced by dramatic changes in cell morphology. The treated cells at a frequency of 200 kHz for six days significantly reduced cell proliferation, as transformed from their usual spindle shape to a spherical shape, showing gaps between cells that indicated reduced adherence and proliferation. These findings suggest that the electric field effectively disrupts the cells' ability to grow and multiply. Apoptosis Induction: The electric field exposure induced apoptosis in the treated osteosarcoma cells. This was evidenced by a significant increase in the apoptotic index, with a notable rise in the expression levels of caspase-3 and caspase-9. The study found that these cells underwent apoptosis through an intrinsic pathway, which is characterized by the activation of mitochondrial-mediated events. Gene Expression: Gene expression analysis revealed that p21, a key regulator of cell cycle progression, was significantly upregulated in the treated cells. Conversely, MDM2, a negative regulator of p53, was downregulated. This suggests that the electric field exposure led to cell cycle arrest by enhancing p21 activity, thereby inhibiting cell proliferation. The study also noted that p53 expression remained unchanged, indicating that the observed effects were mediated through a p53-independent pathway. Caspase Activation: The study found that caspase-3 and caspase-9 were significantly upregulated in the treated cells, while caspase-8 levels remained unchanged. This selective activation of caspases is consistent with the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis, where caspase-9 plays a pivotal role in the mitochondrial pathway, ultimately leading to the activation of caspase-3, the primary executioner of apoptosis. Clinical Implications Non-invasive Cancer Therapy: The findings suggest that non-contact electric field exposure could serve as a non- invasive therapeutic option for osteosarcoma. Unlike traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, which often have severe side effects, electric field therapy is less likely to damage healthy cells. This makes it a promising alternative for cancer patients, particularly those who cannot tolerate or have not responded to conventional treatments. Targeted Apoptosis Induction: The ability of electric field exposure to induce apoptosis through a p53-independent pathway is particularly significant. Many cancers, including osteosarcoma, often exhibit p53 mutations that render them resistant to therapies that rely on p53 activation. By targeting apoptosis through alternative pathways, electric field therapy could be effective even in p53-deficient tumors. Potential for Combination Therapy: The study's results indicate that electric field exposure could be used in combination with existing therapies to enhance their efficacy. For instance, it could be used as an adjuvant to chemotherapy or radiation to increase cell death and reduce the likelihood of tumor recurrence. This multimodal approach could improve treatment outcomes and survival rates in osteosarcoma patients. Personalized Medicine: Given the variability in cancer cell responses to different treatments, the study's findings could contribute to the development of personalized medicine strategies. By understanding the specific molecular pathways affected by electric field exposure, clinicians could tailor treatment plans to individual patients based on their tumor's genetic profile and response to therapy. ​ Electric Fields Regulate In Vitro Surface Phosphatidylserine Exposure of Cancer Cells via a Calcium-Dependent Pathway The study provides evidence that non-contact electric field (EF) stimulation can differentially modulate surface phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure in cancer cells through a calcium-dependent pathway, involving actin polymerization and p38 MAPK activation. These findings open new avenues for enhancing targeted cancer therapies by manipulating PS exposure using EF stimulation. EXPERIMENT: The key components of the EF stimulation setup included a parallel plate capacitor with two plates measuring 135 mm × 128 mm, spaced 26 mm apart. A voltage source (Pasco, model SF-9586, Roseville, CA, USA) was used to generate the electric fields. Cells were seeded in a petri dish filled with cell culture media, which was placed between the capacitor plates to ensure exposure to the electric fields without direct contact with the electrodes. Two different EF amplitudes, 7.5 V/mm (low amplitude) and 15 V/mm (moderate amplitude), were selected based on previous theoretical and experimental studies to ensure safety and efficacy. The study utilized several cell lines, including glioblastoma (U87-GBM), human pancreatic cancer (cfPac-1 and MiaPaCa-2), human astrocytes, and human pancreatic ductal epithelial (HPDE) cells. Flow cytometry was employed to measure PS exposure, intracellular calcium levels, and membrane leakage, while immunofluorescence staining was used to visualize actin polymerization and p38 MAPK activation. Western blot analysis quantified protein expression levels of key markers such as cleaved caspase 3, cleaved caspase 9, p38 MAPK, and cyclin D1. Statistical analysis was performed using one or two-factor ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc comparisons, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. ​ Key Findings: PS Exposure Modulation: Moderate amplitude EF stimulation significantly increased PS exposure on cancer cell surfaces. Low amplitude EF stimulation decreased PS exposure. This modulation was specific to cancer cells and was not observed in normal cell lines. Calcium-Dependent Mechanism: EF-induced PS exposure is regulated by intracellular calcium levels. Moderate amplitude EF increases cytosolic calcium, while low amplitude decreases it. The increase in PS exposure under moderate EF is mediated by inhibition of flippase activity due to increased intracellular calcium. Actin Polymerization and p38 MAPK Activation: Moderate amplitude EF stimulation led to increased actin polymerization and p38 MAPK activation. Low amplitude EF had the opposite effect, decreasing actin polymerization and inhibiting p38 MAPK activation. Cell Cycle Arrest: Moderate amplitude EF stimulation caused cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase in cancer cells. This arrest was accompanied by decreased cyclin D1 expression. Clinical Implications: Non-Invasive Modulation of Cancer Biomarkers: The ability to modulate PS exposure using non-contact EF stimulation provides a non-invasive means to alter key cancer biomarkers. This could be particularly valuable for targeting cancer cells without causing harm to normal cells. Personalized Cancer Treatment: By adjusting the EF amplitude, it may be possible to tailor the treatment to the specific PS expression levels of a patient's cancer cells. This approach could enhance the efficacy of treatments by making them more personalized and targeted. Enhanced Targeted Therapies: The study suggests that cancer cells with higher PS exposure are more susceptible to PS-targeting treatments like SapC-DOPS nanovesicles. Conversely, cancer cells with lower PS exposure are more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation. By modulating PS exposure, EF stimulation could be used to sensitize cancer cells to specific treatments, enhancing their efficacy. Potential for Combination Therapies: Combining moderate amplitude EF treatment with SapC-DOPS or low amplitude EF treatment with chemotherapy/radiation could lead to enhanced cancer cell death. This approach could be particularly effective in treating cancer by leveraging the strengths of different therapeutic modalities. Reduction of Side Effects: Non-contact EF stimulation offers a non-invasive method for cancer treatment, potentially reducing the side effects associated with current invasive therapies. This could improve patient quality of life and make treatments more tolerable. Mechanistic Insights for Future Therapies: The findings on the calcium-dependent pathway and the role of actin polymerization and p38 MAPK in EF-induced PS exposure provide mechanistic insights that could lead to the development of new cancer therapies. Understanding these mechanisms could help identify new therapeutic targets and improve treatment strategies. Safe and Effective Treatment Modality: The study demonstrates that non-contact EF stimulation is safe and does not cause detrimental effects on cell growth, viability, or membrane integrity. This supports the potential of EF stimulation as an effective and safe treatment modality for cancer. ​ ​ Cox Model Survival Analysis to Evaluate Treatment of Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) For Cancer Patients The research highlights the significance of monitoring frequency in ECCT's impact on the lifespan of patients with breast, brain, and lung cancers. It suggests that each extra monitoring session can potentially reduce the risk of death by 10-20%. In essence, this study underscores ECCT's potential effectiveness as a treatment option for cancer patients. The Specificity and Efficacy of Alternating Electric Fields as a Prospective Cancer Treatment Advancements in medical technology are opening up new possibilities for cancer treatment. Specifically, the use of external electric fields has shown potential in inhibiting cancer growth. Devices such as Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields), nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEF), picosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (psPEF), and Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy (ECCT) are being studied and developed for this purpose. Among these, ECCT has been particularly effective and is being closely investigated, especially in breast cancer treatment. Design of frequency generator and amplifier level converter using 300nm CMOS technology (2016 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD)) The study contributes to enhancing ECCT systems by incorporating Integrated Circuit technology. This integration has the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the system in treating cancer. Electric Field Distribution Measurement for electrocapacitive cancer therapy by using Wire Mesh Tomography Major strides have been made in brain cancer treatment through the application of electricity. This study delves into a groundbreaking approach using electricity to specifically address brain cancer. Envision a treatment that is safer, more efficient, and less distressing. This research lays the groundwork for innovations that have the potential to profoundly change lives. A Novel Method for Analyzing Electric Field Distribution of Electro Capacitive Cancer Treatment (ECCT) Using Wire Mesh Electrodes: A Case Study of Brain Cancer Therapy The research highlights the significance of monitoring frequency in ECCT's impact on the lifespan of patients with breast, brain, and lung cancers. It suggests that each extra monitoring session can potentially reduce the risk of death by 10-20%. In essence, this study underscores ECCT's potential effectiveness as a treatment option for cancer patients. The schemes, mechanisms and molecular pathway changes of Alternating Electric Fields alone or in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy This paper explores how electric fields can help treat cancer. It shows that electric fields disrupt cancer cell division, making the cells die and stopping them from spreading. They also enhance the immune system's ability to fight cancer and improve the delivery of cancer drugs by making cell membranes more permeable. Electric fields affect important pathways that cancer cells use to grow, making them more sensitive to treatments. When used with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, electric fields can make these treatments work better.Overall, the study highlights that electric fields can be a powerful addition to cancer therapy, offering multiple ways to fight the disease and improve patient outcomes. Educate, not kill: treating cancer without triggering its defenses This paper highlights the limitations of traditional cytotoxic therapies and the emergence of resistant cells, leading to therapy failure. Alternative therapeutic strategies, such as controlling cell dormancy, transdifferentiation therapy, normalizing the cancer microenvironment, and migrastatic therapy, are proposed as effective approaches to re-educate cancer cells towards a less malignant phenotype. These strategies aim to avoid inducing direct proliferative advantages to resistant cells, thereby delaying or preventing the development of therapy-resistant tumors. Therefore, alternative therapies are crucial for improving cancer treatment outcomes. Alternating Electric Fields in Glioblastomas: Past, Present, and Future Alternating electric fields is a new and noninvasive treatment method for glioblastomas, a type of deadly brain cancer. This therapy has shown promising results, including prolonged survival for patients and manageable side effects. It works by strengthening the body’s own immune response against the tumor, increasing the permeability of cell membranes and the blood-brain barrier, and disrupting the processes that repair DNA damage in cancer cells. However, despite these promising results, the acceptance of alternating electric fields in everyday clinical practice is still low. The paper calls for more studies and discussions to better understand the potential of a lternating electric fields and to address any concerns that may be limiting its use in real-world settings. In simple terms, alternating electric field is a promising new treatment for a type of brain cancer, but more work needs to be done to make it a common practice in clinics. It’s an exciting development in cancer treatment, but as with all new treatments, it’s important to continue researching and understanding its full potential and limitations. Alternating Electric Fields Therapy Concomitant with Taxanes for Cancer Treatment Certain types of cancers, like non-small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and pancreatic cancer, are often treated with chemotherapy. However, these treatments can cause harmful side effects. There’s a need for additional therapies that can improve the effectiveness of these treatments without increasing the side effects. One such therapy is alternating electric field, which uses electric fields to disrupt the growth of cancer cells. The study suggests that using electric field therapy along with chemotherapy could potentially improve cancer treatment effectiveness without increasing side effects. This could be a promising step forward in cancer treatment. Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication by Alternating Electric Fields Electric fields hold potential as a therapy for cancer, particularly for blood cancers characterized by spherical suspended cells. The paper elucidates how electric fields can disrupt the cell division process, inflicting damage on cancer cells. This study aims to encourage further research and advancements in electrostatic therapy, presenting a non-invasive, cost-effective, and targeted alternative to conventional treatments. Electrical Characterization of Normal and Cancer Cells The study delves into a captivating investigation aiming to differentiate between normal and cancer cells within liver, lung, and breast tissues. Using a set of parameters based on capacitance-voltage, researchers pinpointed unique electrical signatures for these cells. This pioneering method introduces novel prospects for recognizing and distinguishing normal and cancer cells based on their individual electrical signals. These findings offer potential advancements in diagnostic techniques, enhancing our capability to differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells across various tissue types. Calculation of Externally Applied Electric Field Intensity for Disruption of Cancer Cell Proliferation Electric fields present a promising avenue for cancer therapy, particularly for blood cancers characterized by spherical suspended cells. The paper elucidates how these fields can disrupt the cell division process, inflicting harm on cancerous cells. This study aims to stimulate further exploration and advancement in electrostatic therapy, envisioning a non-invasive, cost-effective, and targeted alternative to traditional treatments. An Evidence-Based Review of Alternating Electric Fields Therapy for Malignant Gliomas Recent advancements of alternating electric fields therapy demonstrate potential in prolonging survival without the common side effects associated with traditional chemotherapy. This presents a promising prospect for a treatment that is both more effective and easier for patients to tolerate. As research continues, the idea of combining alternating electric field with other anti-cancer approaches emerges as a potential strategy to further boost effectiveness. Understanding these developments is essential for patients, caregivers, and the broader community, instilling hope and encouraging support for ongoing research aimed at improving outcomes for individuals with glioblastoma. Permeabilizing Cell Membranes with Electric Fields Alternating electric fields therapy stands as a promising non-invasive cancer treatment, known for its minimal side effects. This innovative therapy disrupts cancer cell division without inducing considerable systemic toxicity, presenting a hopeful avenue for a more manageable and potent approach to cancer treatment. The schemes, mechanisms and molecular pathway changes of Electric Field This research emphasizes the potential of electric fields in combating cancer cells by disrupting their functions, leading to cell death and inhibiting their growth. The efficacy of this treatment hinges on several factors, including the frequency, intensity, duration, and direction of the electric field. Furthermore, when combined with other treatments like radiotherapy or chemotherapy, electric fields often exhibit a synergistic effect, enhancing their overall effectiveness. Overall, this offers a new ray of hope, particularly for patients whose cancers show resistance to traditional treatment methods. Alternating Electric Fields: a new frontier in cancer therapy Alternating electric fields therapy stands as a promising non-invasive cancer treatment, known for its minimal side effects. This innovative therapy disrupts cancer cell division without inducing considerable systemic toxicity, presenting a hopeful avenue for a more manageable and potent approach to cancer treatment. Alternating Electric Fields Technology: Alternating Electric Field Therapy for the Treatment of Solid Tumors alternating electric fields therapy offer a novel strategy in combating cancer by utilizing electric fields. They possess the capability to halt the growth and spread of cancer cells while preserving normal cells from harm. Electric field are user-friendly, entail minimal side effects, and complement other treatment modalities effectively. Alternating Electric Fields : A Fourth Modality in Cancer Treatment Electric Field based Tumor-treating fields represent a promising, novel approach in cancer treatment, employing electric fields to specifically target cancer cells while sparing normal ones. These fields are non-invasive, yield minimal side effects, and when combined with other therapies, show potential to enhance treatment outcomes. How Do Alternating Electric Fields Work? Scientists have devised a novel approach to cancer treatment using electric fields. These fields, though extremely mild, have no detrimental impact on healthy cells; however, they possess the ability to impede the growth and division of cancer cells by influencing their internal structures. Administering these electric fields to the tumor site involves a device capable of adjusting the strength and orientation of the fields based on the cancer type. Extensive testing in both animals and humans across various cancer types has demonstrated favorable outcomes, including tumor reduction, extended survival rates, and improved patient quality of life. Notably, these electric fields have minimal side effects and synergize effectively with other treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. They possess a unique mechanism for eliminating cancer cells, distinct from conventional treatments, and can be tailored to target specific cancer cell types. Research Progress on the Mechanism of Anti-Tumor Immune Response Induced by Alternating Electric fields Cancer is a deadly disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Many treatments have been developed to fight cancer, but they often have serious side effects or limited effectiveness. A new technology uses electric fields to stop cancer cells from growing and spreading. Researchers have found that alternating electric field not only kill cancer cells directly, but also activate the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. This is important because the immune system can recognize and destroy cancer cells that escape other treatments. This review summarizes the current knowledge on this topic and discusses the potential benefits and challenges of combining alternating electric field with other therapies that boost the immune system. Alternating electric fields arrest cell proliferation in animal tumor models and human brain tumors Researchers have uncovered the effectiveness of low-intensity, intermediate-frequency alternating electric fields in halting the growth of cancer cells. This innovative method has undergone rigorous testing, proving successful in lab settings (in vitro), animal trials (in vivo), and even in a select group of human patients battling recurrent glioblastoma, a formidable brain tumor. The outcomes are nothing short of remarkable, revealing a substantial increase in the time to disease progression and overall survival rates, all while maintaining minimal side effects. This groundbreaking discovery not only offers hope for those facing challenging forms of cancer but also signifies a promising stride toward more effective and less intrusive treatment options. Alternating electric fields can improve chemotherapy treatment efficacy in blood cancer cell U937 (non-adherent cells) Revolutionary strides in cancer treatment are unfolding through innovative methods. A recent study has unveiled a promising approach by combining alternating electric fields with the chemotherapy agent Daunorubicin, showcasing enhanced efficacy in treating blood cancer cells, particularly the non-adherent U937 cells. This cutting-edge technique selectively targets dividing cancer cells while sparing normal cells, potentially paving the way for reduced side effects in patients. It's crucial to acknowledge that these findings are preliminary, and further research is imperative to solidify their impact. As always, individuals are advised to consult their healthcare providers for personalized guidance based on their unique health circumstances. This research signifies a significant leap forward in the relentless pursuit of more effective and targeted cancer treatments. Tumor Treating Fields therapy with standard systemic therapy versus standard systemic therapy alone in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer following progression on or after platinum-based therapy (LUNAR): a randomised, open-label, pivotal phase 3 study Advancements in alternating electric fields can significantly improve the survival rates of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) who have not responded to platinum-based chemotherapy. This study shows that combining alternating electric field therapy with standard-of-care treatments can lead to better outcomes compared to standard-of-care treatments alone. Research Progress on the Mechanism of Anti-Tumor Immune Response Induced by TTFields The article reviews the progress of research on the mechanism of anti-tumor immune response induced by Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields). TTFields has been approved for the treatment of glioblastomas and malignant pleural mesotheliomas. It highlights that TTFields have shown promising effects as a monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy, but the underlying mechanisms through, which TTFields exert their anticancer effects remain incompletely understood. Recent research suggests that inducing anti-tumor immune responses may be a key mechanism of the anticancer activity of TTFields, leading to several clinical trials exploring the combination of TTFields with tumor immunotherapy and achieving positive results. The article also discusses the potential mechanisms through which TTFields induce anti-tumor immune responses, including enhancing immune cell infiltration and function, inducing immunogenic cell death in tumor cells, regulating immune-related signaling pathways, and upregulating immune checkpoints in tumor cells. Furthermore, the clinical significance of TTFields in activating and enhancing anti-tumor immune responses is highlighted, showing potential improvements in patient survival and quality of life. The combination of TTFields with immune checkpoint inhibitors has shown unprecedented therapeutic effects in clinical practice, indicating the promising clinical application prospects of TTFields. However, the document emphasizes the need for further research to clarify the molecular mechanisms of TTFields in anti-tumor therapy, potentially overcoming the problem of low sensitivity to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and enhancing the therapeutic outcomes of TTFields. Overall, the review provides a comprehensive overview of the progress and potential of TTFields in activating anti-tumor immune responses and improving clinical outcomes in cancer therapy. The distinguishing electrical properties of cancer cells This paper explores the unique electrical properties of cancer cells, shedding light on the complex network of factors that contribute to the development of cancer. It challenges the traditional view of cancer as solely a genetic disease and emphasizes the importance of understanding the electrostatic changes in cancer cells compared to normal cells. By exploring the effects of alterations in intracellular and extracellular pH, changes in ionic concentrations, variations in transmembrane potential, and modifications within mitochondria, the paper provides a comprehensive understanding of the electrical landscape of cells. Additionally, it discusses the potential implications of these electrical properties for novel cancer treatment modalities, such as electromagnetic field-based therapies. The research aims to pave the way for a new paradigm in understanding the role of electrical properties in health and disease, with the potential to revolutionize therapeutic interventions. Electric Fields combined with the drug repurposing approach CUSP9v3 induce metabolic reprogramming and synergistic anti-glioblastoma activity in vitro This paper demonstrate multimodal treatment approach combining electric fields and the drug repurposing strategy CUSP9v3 shows promising results in enhancing the anti-glioblastoma activity. The study provides evidence of the synergistic effects of electric fields and CUSP9v3 in inhibiting the growth and migration of glioblastoma cells. Additionally, the combination treatment was associated with the suppression of oxidative phosphorylation, a key feature of cancer cell metabolism. These findings suggest that the multimodal approach may offer a potential strategy for improving treatment outcomes for glioblastoma patients. The study also highlights the need for further research and potential transition to the clinical setting. Electric Fields therapy in patients with glioblastoma: Long-term survival results in Germany in routine clinical care (TIGER) study. Electric Fields therapy has demonstrated significant improvements in overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) when applied with adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) compared to TMZ alone in newly diagnosed glioblastoma (ndGBM). Electric Fields therapy delivers electric fields, through scalp-placed arrays, that disrupt cellular processes critical for cancer cell viability, is CE marked for WHO grade 4 glioma, and is a recommended treatment regimen for ndGBM. Electric Fields therapy was administered to >25,000 patients, showing no systemic toxicities and mild to moderate skin reactions being the main therapy-related adverse event. Here, the report survival and safety data from the TIGER study, the largest prospective study investigating real-world use of TTFields therapy during routine clinical care in patients with ndGBM in Germany. Electric fields increase cytotoxic degranulation of natural killer cells against cancer cells The study by Mylod et al. (2024) investigates the effects of electric fields, a non-invasive treatment using low-intensity, intermediate-frequency alternating electric fields, on natural killer (NK) cells and their ability to target glioblastoma (GBM) cells. The researchers found that electric fields, particularly at 200 kHz, significantly enhanced NK cell degranulation, a marker of cytotoxicity, against both K562 target cells and GBM cell lines without affecting NK cell viability or cytokine (IFN-γ) production. This suggests that combining electric fields with NK cell-based immunotherapy could improve the efficacy of GBM treatments by increasing NK cell-mediated tumor cell killing. While electric fields exposure reduced the cytokine-mediated upregulation of nutrient receptors on NK cells, it did not impact mitochondrial health or granzyme B expression. These findings highlight the potential of electric fields to augment NK cell immunotherapy for GBM, warranting further investigation into the mechanisms and long-term effects of this combination treatment in more complex models. Alternating Electric Fields Therapy for the Treatments of Solid Tumours This paper provides an extensive overview of electric fields technology, particularly its application in treating glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Electric fields therapy is a non-invasive treatment that employs low-intensity, intermediate-frequency alternating electric fields to disrupt cancer cell division, leading to cell death while sparing normal cells. The therapy is administered through a wearable device, which patients can use at home, ensuring continuous treatment. Clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of electric fields in both recurrent and newly diagnosed GBM, showing comparable or superior outcomes to traditional chemotherapy with fewer side effects. Future research and clinical trials are exploring the application of electric fields in treating other types of solid tumors, with ongoing studies indicating promising synergistic effects when combined with other treatments like radiotherapy and immunotherapy. The paper underscores the importance of multidisciplinary care and continuous patient education to optimize the benefits of this innovative cancer treatment technology. Therapeutic potential of tumor treating fields for malignant brain tumors GBM is among the most lethal and challenging cancers due to their high recurrence rates and resistance to conventional therapies. Despite advancements in surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, the prognosis for GBM remains dismal, with a median survival of only 15 months and a 5- year survival rate below 5%. This highlights the urgent need for innovative treatments. Electric field-based therapies have emerged as a promising non-invasive therapeutic approach that leverages the unique bioelectrical properties of cancer cells to disrupt their growth and proliferation. Electric fields work by applying alternating electric fields at specific frequencies and intensities, which interfere with the bioelectrical state of macromolecules and organelles within cancer cells, leading to several anti-cancer effects. These include (1) inhibition of cell mitosis by disrupting the formation of microtubule spindles, which leads to mitotic arrest and cell death; (2) disruption of genomic integrity, which increases DNA damage and inhibits DNA repair mechanisms, thus contributing to cancer cell death; (3) suppression of cell migration and invasion by altering the cellular cytoskeleton and affecting ion channel activity, thereby hindering the metastatic potential of cancer cells; (4) induction of autophagy, where abnormal mitotic events can trigger cellular self- digestion processes leading to cell death; and (5) enhancement of the anti-tumor immune response by inducing the release of damage-associated molecular patterns that activate the immune system against the tumor. Positive Electrostatic Therapy of Metastatic Tumors: Selective Induction of Apoptosis in Cancer Cells by Pure Charges (Cancer Medicine) Key Findings: 1. Selective Apoptosis: The study demonstrated that Positive Electrostatic Charges (PECs) could selectively induce apoptosis in breast cancer cell lines, including MCF-7 (hormone receptor-positive breast cancer) and MDA-MB-468 (triple-negative breast cancer) cells. The therapy showed significant reductions in cell viability, while normal breast epithelial cells (MCF-10A) were not adversely affected, highlighting the selectivity of PECs. 2. Mechanism of Action: PECs were found to disrupt the cytoskeleton and critical metabolic pathways in cancer cells, leading to apoptosis. This effect was particularly noted in MCF-7 cells, where PECs caused disruptions in the cell cycle and induced apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway, evidenced by changes in the expression of apoptosis-related proteins. ​ MCF-10A Control: The lack of similar disruptions in MCF-10A cells underscores the specificity of PECs for malignant cells, making it a promising therapeutic approach with minimal risk to normal tissues. 3. In Vivo Validation: The study extended these findings to animal models, where tumors derived from MCF-7 cells were treated with PECs. Significant tumor reduction was observed in the treated animals, with no adverse effects on surrounding normal tissues, indicating that PECs could effectively target tumors without collateral damage. Clinical Impact: 1. Non-Invasive Cancer Treatment: PEC therapy offers a promising non-invasive treatment option for breast cancer, particularly for patients with tumors that are resistant to standard therapies. The ability to selectively target cancer cells like MCF-7 while sparing normal cells such as MCF-10A could lead to fewer side effects and better overall patient outcomes. 2. Potential for Metastatic and Hormone-Responsive Breast Cancer: Given the effectiveness of PECs in targeting both MCF-7 (hormone receptor-positive) and MDA-MB-468 (triple-negative) breast cancer cells, this therapy could be applied to a broad spectrum of breast cancer subtypes, including those that are metastatic or hormone-responsive. 3. Foundation for Human Trials: The strong preclinical evidence, particularly the selectivity demonstrated in both cancerous (MCF-7, MDA-MB-468) and non-cancerous (MCF-10A) cells, supports the initiation of human trials. Successful human trials could lead to PEC being integrated into treatment protocols for various types of breast cancer. Capture-free Deactivation of Circulating Tumor Cells in the Bloodstream by Positive Electrostatic Charges: A Metastasis Suppression Method (Biosensors and Bioelectronics) in Cancer Treatment Key Findings: 1. Effectiveness Against Circulating Tumor Cells: The study demonstrated that PECs could effectively deactivate circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the bloodstream. The efficacy of PECs was evaluated using both in vitro and in vivo models, including human metastatic breast cancer cell lines (MDA- MB-231) and mouse mammary carcinoma cell lines (4T1). CTC Deactivation: PECs treatment significantly reduced the viability and metastatic potential of CTCs. Treated cells showed diminished spheroid formation ability, reduced invasive behavior, and lower metastatic potential in subsequent in vivo tests, indicating that PECs effectively neutralize the cells responsible for spreading cancer. 2. In Vivo Efficacy in Mouse Models: 4T1 Cells: In BALB/c mice injected with 4T1 cells (a highly metastatic breast cancer cell line), PECs significantly inhibited the development and progression of primary tumors. Notably, only one out of ten mice developed a tumor when treated with PECs, compared to nine out of ten in the untreated control group. Metastasis Reduction: PECs also led to a substantial reduction in metastatic spread, particularly to the lungs. Mice treated with PECs had significantly fewer lung nodules compared to controls, demonstrating the treatment’s potential to prevent metastasis. ​ 3. Impact on Normal Cells: White Blood Cells (WBCs): The study included an assessment of normal WBCs to evaluate the safety of PECs. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that less than 9% of WBCs were affected by PECs treatment, indicating a minimal impact on these normal cells. Histological Analysis: Further histological examinations of tissues from the treated mice showed no significant damage to normal organs or tissues, confirming the selectivity and safety of PECs. ​ 4. Mechanistic Insights: Selective Targeting: The study provided mechanistic insights into how PECs selectively targets malignant cells. PECs disrupt critical cellular processes and structures in CTCs, leading to a decrease in cell proliferation and invasion while sparing normal cells like WBCs. This selective action is crucial for its application in clinical settings where minimizing harm to healthy tissue is paramount. Clinical Impact: 1. Novel Strategy for Metastasis Prevention: PECs present a new, non-invasive method for preventing metastasis by targeting and deactivating CTCs in the bloodstream before they can establish secondary tumors. This approach could be particularly valuable for patients with aggressive cancers, where early intervention can prevent the spread of the disease and improve survival outcomes. 2. Improved Survival Outcomes: By effectively reducing the number of viable CTCs and their ability to form new metastatic sites, PECs has the potential to significantly improve long-term survival rates in patients at high risk of metastasis. This is especially important in cancers like triple-negative breast cancer, where metastasis often leads to poor prognosis. 3. Selective Targeting with Minimal Side Effects: The study’s findings that PECs selectively target cancer cells while sparing normal cells, such as WBCs, underscore its potential as a safe and targeted therapy. This selectivity minimizes the risk of side effects, making PECs a promising candidate for clinical use, particularly in patients who are not suitable for more aggressive treatments. ​ 4. Foundation for Clinical Trials: The promising preclinical results from this study provide a strong foundation for advancing PECs to clinical trials in human patients. If similar safety and efficacy are observed in human studies, PECs could become an integral part of treatment protocols for managing metastatic cancer, particularly in breast cancer patients. 5. Broad Applicability: While the study primarily focused on breast cancer models, the principles behind PECs suggest it could be applied to a wide range of cancers where metastasis is a major concern. This broad applicability makes PECs a potentially transformative tool in oncology, offering a new line of defense against the spread of cancer. Human Pilot Study on Positive Electrostatic Charge Effects as Cancer Treatment in Solid Tumors of Late-Stage Metastatic Patients (Frontiers in Medicine) Key Findings: 1. Patient Demographics and Study Design: This human pilot study involved 41 patients with late-stage metastatic cancer, all with solid tumors that were unresponsive to conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These patients were considered for Positive Electrostatic Charge Therapy (PECT) as a last resort. 2. Tumor Response: Significant Tumor Reduction: Over 80% of the patients exhibited a measurable reduction in tumor size, with some tumors shrinking by more than 50%. This significant reduction occurred without disease progression during the treatment period. Stabilization of Disease: For patients who did not experience significant shrinkage, the disease was stabilized, with no further tumor growth observed. 3. Symptom Relief and Quality of Life: Improvement in Symptoms: Patients reported relief from various cancer-related symptoms, such as pain and fatigue, leading to an overall improvement in quality of life. Some patients also experienced improved mobility and daily functioning. 4. Mechanism of Action: The therapy is believed to work by disrupting cancer cell metabolism and inducing apoptosis through the modulation of the KRAS signaling pathway and increasing the Bax/Bcl2 ratio, favoring cell death. No Damage to Normal Tissues: The treatment did not result in adverse effects on surrounding normal tissues, avoiding common side effects like skin burns or inflammation. ​ 5. Safety Profile: No Major Adverse Events: The treatment was well-tolerated by all patients, with no reports of severe side effects commonly associated with traditional cancer therapies. The absence of side effects like nausea, vomiting, or hair loss highlights the therapy's safety. Clinical Impact: 1. Potential as a Last-Resort Therapy: For patients with late-stage metastatic cancer who have no other treatment options, PECT offers a potentially effective and safe alternative, extending life and improving quality of life. 2. Non-Invasive and Safe Alternative: The non-invasive nature of PECT, coupled with its minimal side effects, positions it as a safer alternative to more toxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This could be especially beneficial for patients who are not candidates for aggressive treatments. 3. Foundation for Larger Clinical Trials: This pilot study provides a strong basis for larger, more comprehensive clinical trials. If similar results are replicated in larger populations, PECT could gain regulatory approval and become a standard treatment option for advanced cancers. 4. Broad Application Potential: While this study focused on late-stage metastatic cancers, the underlying mechanisms suggest that PECT could be applicable to a variety of cancer types, potentially expanding its use across different patient groups.

  • FAQ | ECCT

    Is Electric Field Therapy the same as Electromagnetic Field Therapy? Electric Field (EF) is different from Electromagnetic Field EMF). EF work as direct force of electric generated field around the charged objects. When a cell is put in between EF, the cell will get pulled toward or pushed away from the charged object, hence disrupt the force within the cell. EMF circulate the waves of energy, traveling through space to transmit energy and carry information across. The EMF waves can carry information like radio signals and can also interact with objects to create electrical currents, hence increase circulation of energy or blood circulation. How does ECCT works? At the core of ECCT is the utilization of electric fields generated by the capacitive elements within the fabric. These electric fields possess the remarkable ability to precisely identify and target rapidly dividing cancer cells with high dielectric characteristics. Through the generation of alternating electric fields, ECCT alternating waves travel back and forth between the enclosed fabric layers passing through all targeted regions in the body and systematically targets and weakens cancer cells, leading to their gradual attrition, that may otherwise remain undetected by conventional diagnostic methods. Is there any side effects? ECCT is designed to exclusively target fast-dividing abnormal and cancerous cells in the body without impacting normal cells. This specificity helps minimize side effects, as it selectively focuses on the problematic cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. On the contrary, it assists in diminishing the side effects of conventional treatments by enhancing the resilience of normal cells against traditional treatments. ECCT support improves overall body function and aids in repairing damage caused by traditional treatments. Can I take other supplements or alternative treatments with ECCT? ECCT doesn't interfere disrupt the effective oral intake or ongoing alternative or traditional treatment. We just need to tailor the treatment regime to complement other treatment, ensuring we supports the body without causing additional strain. How long do I need to complete a session? We personalize plans for each individual user, and the plan will vary based on individual conditions. Recommended usage starts from 2 sessions of 5-15-minute and can move up to 2 hours a session / 4 hours a day (following your designated plan) on a daily basis. For certain cases, it might need longer duration, and our staff is here to help you better understand the complexities at all times. Can I use ECCT during pregnancy, expecting or breastfeeding? It is not advisable to use during the first 4 months of pregnancy. Is there a minimum age to use ECCT? The device will be customized to fit the size and age of the user. The youngest user was as young as 9 months old (who is now 10 years old). However, consent from parents or legal guardians is required if you are below 18 years old. Will staying nearby ECCT when it is active affect normal individual or kids or pregnant lady? The electric field generated by ECCT is safe for everyone. The electric field generated by the ECCT device only focuses within a distance in few centimeters around the device. Thus, it has no risk for the user or anyone staying near the device. Are there any limitations to use other electrical appliances (for example, mobile phone, tablets, or television, etc.) when using or near to ECCT? There will be no limitation to the use of any other electrical or electronic appliances while you are on Capacitance Cancer Therapy. However, there may be accumulated electrostatic charges on the apparel device during the active time. For example, it should not be used closely to electrostatic sensitive devices or electrostatic induced inflammable materials. Can I claim insurance? The updated insurance policy may encompass alternative treatments, either within the claim or critical illness option. It's advisable to confirm your entitlements with your insurance provider for accurate information. What is ECCT? ECCT is a complementary therapy utilizing low intensity (<30 Watts) and medium frequency (±100 kHz) of electrostatic wave that generates electric polarization within a region confined by a number of capacitive electrodes that is embedded in the apparel. How can i do it myself at home under doctor guidance? It's like when you get medicine from the hospital, and the doctor tells you how much and how often to take it at home, like three times a day, one tablet each time. ECCT works in a similar way. The user just need to follows the doctor's advice, example, to use it twice a day for a certain duration each time. Instead of "taking" medication at home, it's more about "using" ECCT at home. What if i live far away? One of the greatest advantages of ECCT is its portability and mobility. You don't have to visit a facility for the treatment; you simply get the device and use it in the comfort of your own home. It's incredibly easy to set up—just press a button, and everything is ready for you. It's safe to use, even if you're alone at home. Why consider ECCT if I'm already undergoing traditional treatments? ECCT can be used in conjunction with traditional treatment, as it employs pure electric fields and does not disrupt chemical and radiation interactions within the body. Combining different approaches may hasten your progress in fighting the disease and simultaneously prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body. Moreover, recurrence is a genuine concern, as it often manifests in a more aggressive form. ECCT can also be used continuously to forestall or prevent relapse, even after the tumors' have been eradicated. None of your efforts will be squandered . What happens if I overuse or have to skip sessions? It is advisable to follow the exact usage instructions assigned to you by our specialist doctor. However, if the situation does not permit, skipping a couple of sessions is possible upon consultation and approval by our specialist doctor. Please also consult us if needs arises, and we will advise on the optimal approach as needed. Is there any food, dietary needs, or supplements required? There are no specific dietary requirements; however, adopting a balanced, healthy daily diet is the key to prime and prepare your body at the optimal condition for recovery. It is strongly recommended that taking lemon juice every morning (1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice + 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil) to enhance your body immune system. Our team is happy to discuss more dietary details with you. Can I travel on a flight or move around when using ECCT? There is no restriction to using or bringing the device with you when you travel, provided space and a safe environment are available when you need to use the ECCT. Please speak to us before making any adjustments to your schedule or usage of these equipment in response to any upcoming travel arrangements. How long will I need to see the result? Result can vary from individual depending on their health conditions, type and location of the tumour. In average, excretion resulted from the body reaction can be noticed within 1-6 months. The weakened of cancer cell, shrinkage or dissolved of tumour might takes between 3-6 months in order for imaging to pick up the changes visibly. Usage of min 3-5 years is highly encouraged to prevent recurrence. Do I get support from qualified medical doctor? Each of our patient when undergo ECCT have an consulting medical doctor overseeing the patient wellbeing and progress as each patient even with the same type and location of tumor might have different reaction. Each of the patient will have assessment call with our medical doctor before they begin and plan are given to them individually by our patient management team every week depend on their condition. A call will be arranged with our medical doctor before proceeding to every stage of the therapy. Everyone respond can be different. So it is not a fit for all therapy. Patient should not undergo the therapy without monitoring and guidance from a qualified medical doctor.

  • Ancient History of Cancer

    The History of Cancer Section Title The Historical Journey of Cancer Research Cancer has been documented since the earliest medical records, with its history deeply intertwined with the evolution of medicine. The oldest known references to cancer come from seven ancient Egyptian papyri, discovered and translated in the late 19th century. Among these, the "Edwin Smith" and "George Ebers" papyri, dated around 1600 B.C. but possibly derived from sources as early as 2500 B.C., provide early insights into Egyptian medical practices. The Smith papyrus details surgical techniques, while the Ebers papyrus outlines treatments including pharmacological, mechanical, and magical approaches. The ancient Egyptians demonstrated an advanced understanding of cancer, distinguishing between benign and malignant tumors and employing various treatments. As Egyptian civilization declined, medical knowledge transitioned to Greece and Rome, where prominent figures like Hippocrates and Galen revolutionized medical thought. They moved medicine away from magic and superstition, defining diseases as natural processes and emphasizing observation and experience. Hippocrates named cancer "karkinoma" (carcinoma), drawing a comparison between the appearance of tumors and the crab, due to the central body of the tumor and its extending "legs." Following the fall of Rome, Constantinople became a central hub for preserving and transmitting medical knowledge. Greek and Roman texts were translated into Arabic and continued to influence medical practice in cities such as Cairo and Alexandria. During this period, cancer was still attributed to an excess of black bile and was thought to be curable only in its early stages. The 16th and 17th centuries saw advancements in science and surgery, although the belief in black bile as the cause of cancer persisted. It wasn't until the 17th century, with Gaspare Aselli's discovery of the lymphatic system, that the theory began to shift towards abnormalities in lymph as a potential cause of cancer. French physician Claude Gendron challenged this theory in the 18th century, arguing that cancer originated locally as a hard mass and needed to be surgically removed. In the 18th century, physicians like Jean Astruc and chemist Bernard Peyrilhe contributed to experimental oncology, establishing the foundation for modern cancer research despite some unconventional methods. This era also saw the establishment of hospitals specializing in cancer care and reports of environmental cancers. The late 19th century marked a turning point with the development of advanced microscopes, which allowed scientists to examine cells and tumors in detail. This period revealed that cancer cells were distinctly different from normal cells, prompting research into cellular origins and disease behavior. The invention of the microscope was crucial in uncovering the nature of cancer cells. The early 20th century brought significant progress in understanding cancer through cell culture, chemical carcinogens, and diagnostic techniques. Researchers explored various theories about cancer's origins, including viral, chemical, and chromosomal abnormalities. In 1911, a viral cause of cancer in chickens was documented, and both chemical and physical carcinogens were identified. The 20th century also saw increased public awareness and education about cancer. In 1913, an article on cancer warning signs was published in a popular magazine, and a nationwide organization was formed to educate the public. By 1937, the U.S. Congress declared the fight against cancer a national goal with the establishment of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which was tasked with advancing research and coordinating cancer-related projects. In 1971, President Richard M. Nixon signed the National Cancer Act, launching the National Cancer Program and further solidifying the U.S. commitment to combating cancer.

  • Cancer and Its Cause | ECCT

    What is Cancer? Cancer starts when our body's cells, which are always renewing themselves, begin to grow out of control due to damaged genes. This causes them to form lumps called tumors. These lumps can be harmless (non-cancerous) or cancerous (harmful), depending on the type of cells they're made of. Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cells have the potential to invade and damage surrounding tissues. There are numerous types of cancer, each with its own characteristics, behaviors, and treatment approaches. Factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental influences, lifestyle choices, and exposure to certain substances can contribute to the development of cancer. 什么是ECCT? Cancer begins when changes occur in the genetic material of normal cells, causing them to grow and divide uncontrollably. These alterations, often due to various factors, include: 1. Genetic Traits: Sometimes, inherited traits passed down from parents can heighten the risk of developing certain types of cancer. 2. Environmental Factors: Exposure to harmful substances like cigarette smoke, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, certain chemicals, or pollutants can damage our DNA, increasing the likelihood of cancer. 3. Lifestyle Habits: Unhealthy choices such as a poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, or smoking can also elevate the risk of cancer. 4. Viral Infections: Specific viruses, like human papillomavirus (HPV), certain types of hepatitis viruses, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), have been associated with particular cancers. When a cell's DNA is damaged or altered, it loses its ability to control growth and division properly. Consequently, these cells start multiplying rapidly, forming a mass known as a tumor. Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Malignant tumors have the potential to invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body, a process termed metastasis, leading to the formation of secondary tumors in distant organs or tissues. It's crucial to note that cancer is not contagious and doesn't spread from person to person like a cold or flu. Instead, it originates within the affected individual due to changes occurring within their own cells. ECCT会损害健康细胞吗? Normal cells and cancer cells differ in several key aspects: ​ Growth Control: Normal cells have regulated growth patterns. They grow, divide, and die in a controlled manner to maintain tissue health and function. In contrast, cancer cells lose this control. They divide uncontrollably, leading to the formation of a tumor or mass of abnormal cells. Cell Differentiation: Normal cells have a specific structure and function based on their tissue type. They mature and specialize into specific cell types. Cancer cells often lack differentiation and appear more primitive, losing their specialized functions. Apoptosis (Cell Death): Normal cells have the ability to undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) when they are damaged or old. Cancer cells evade apoptosis, allowing them to survive and proliferate despite genetic damage or abnormalities. Contact Inhibition: Normal cells have a mechanism called contact inhibition. When they come into contact with neighboring cells, they stop dividing to maintain tissue structure. Cancer cells lack this inhibition, leading to uncontrolled growth and the ability to invade surrounding tissues. Cellular Structure: Cancer cells may have irregular shapes and sizes compared to normal cells. They may also have abnormal nuclei, with variations in size and shape. Ability to Invade and Metastasize: Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and, in advanced stages, spread to distant parts of the body (metastasis). Normal cells typically remain within their specific tissue boundaries. Energy and Nutrient Requirements: Cancer cells have altered metabolic pathways, often requiring more energy and nutrients to support their rapid growth compared to normal cells. Genetic Changes: Cancer cells acquire genetic mutations or alterations that drive their uncontrolled growth and survival. These mutations can affect genes responsible for cell division, repair, and apoptosis. ​ Understanding these differences is crucial in developing therapy that specifically aim to inhibit the unique characteristics of cancer cells while minimizing harm to normal, healthy cells. 我可以在我的常见问题解答中插入图像、视频或 gif 吗? It's important to note that not all tumors are cancerous. A benign lump usually stays in one place and doesn't spread to other body parts. Benign tumors, classified as non-cancerous, typically stay within their normal boundaries and do not spread. While some benign tumors may have the potential to become cancerous and require treatment, most reach a point where they stop growing and don't pose significant issues. Sometimes, especially if it doesn't interfere with the body's function or press on tissues or organs, regular monitoring through check-ups may be the best approach. On the other hand, a malignant lump, often known as a malignant tumor, is composed of cancer cells that have formed their own blood supply. Initially, this malignant tumor remains contained in its original area. However, without treatment, these cells might spread through nearby channels (lymphatics) or through the bloodstream to other areas of the body. These tumors consist of cells that multiply excessively and uncontrollably, forming a lump. They also have the ability to spread to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. When these tumors are left untreated or aren't addressed in time, they can severely impact our energy levels and, if not managed, can be life-threatening. How cancer cells spread to other parts of body? Cancer can spread through the body's fluid channels, primarily via two intersecting networks: the blood vessels constituting the circulatory system and the lymph vessels comprising the lymphatic system. When these cells reach a new site they may continue to grow and form another tumors at another site. This is called metastasis. When cancer cells manage to infiltrate nearby blood or lymph vessels, they gain access to these channels, allowing them to travel to other tissues and organs. Once they settle in these distant locations, they can form secondary cancer sites, a process known as metastasis. When cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it not only inflicts more damage but also becomes more challenging to treat compared to cancer confined to its original location. Metastatic cancer often requires more comprehensive and complex treatment approaches due to its widespread presence in the body. This ability of cancer to spread highlights the importance of early detection and intervention to prevent or minimize metastasis. 我应该期望在 ECCT 治疗计划中收到什么? Detecting cancer can be challenging for several reasons: ​ Early Stages: In its initial stages, cancer may not cause noticeable symptoms or signs. This makes it harder to detect, as it might be present and growing without causing visible changes or discomfort. Non-Specific Symptoms: Some symptoms of cancer, such as fatigue, weight loss, or mild pain, can be common and easily attributed to other causes. This might delay the investigation into the possibility of cancer. Hidden Location: Some cancers develop in internal organs or areas not easily accessible or visible during routine exams, making detection more difficult without specific screening tests. Slow Progression: Certain cancers grow slowly and may not exhibit symptoms until they have reached an advanced stage, when they are harder to treat. Diagnostic Tests: Some cancers might not be detected by standard screening tests or diagnostic methods, especially in the absence of specific symptoms or risk factors. Personal Factors: Differences in individual responses to cancer, genetic variations, or variations in tumor characteristics can affect how quickly cancer is detected. ​ Regular screenings, awareness of potential symptoms, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can aid in early detection. Additionally, advancements in medical technology have improved to move to preventive therapy in recent years. 我在哪里可以购买 ECCT? Yes, cancer can recurrence anytime even after full treatment is done. Cancer recurrence refers to the return of cancer cells after treatment and a period of remission. Hence it is important to have preventive measure in place to prevent recurrence. Several factors can contribute to cancer recurrence: ​ Residual Cancer Cells: Despite successful treatment, microscopic cancer cells might remain in the body. These cells can multiply and lead to a recurrence. Metastasis: Cancer cells might have spread to other parts of the body before or during initial treatment. If undetected, these cells can cause a recurrence. Incomplete Treatment: In some cases, treatment might not fully eliminate all cancer cells. Residual cells can eventually grow and cause a recurrence. Genetic Mutations: Cancer cells can acquire new mutations over time, potentially becoming resistant to previously effective treatments. This resistance allows them to grow and cause a recurrence. Weakened Immune System: A weakened immune system due to illness, medications, or other factors may not effectively eliminate or control cancer cells, leading to recurrence. Environmental Factors: Exposure to carcinogens or unhealthy lifestyle choices after initial treatment might contribute to the development of new cancerous cells. Specific Cancer Types: Some cancers have a higher tendency to recur, even after successful treatment, due to their aggressive nature or ability to remain dormant for extended periods. Minimizing the risk of recurrence involves adherence to follow-up care, regular check-ups, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and addressing any concerns promptly. Early detection of recurrent cancer often leads to more effective treatment outcomes. 我可以在使用传统药物时使用 ECCT 吗? When cancer recurs, it often signifies that some cancer cells survived initial treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation, and continued to grow undetected. The aggressiveness of recurrent cancer can vary. In some cases, recurrent cancer might be more aggressive, meaning it grows and spreads more rapidly than the original cancer. Additionally, cancer cells might acquire resistance to previously effective treatments, making them less responsive to those therapies during recurrence. Treating recurrent cancer can be more challenging due to several factors: ​ Resistance: Cancer cells may have developed resistance to previously used treatments, requiring different or more aggressive therapies. Metastasis: Recurrent cancer might have spread to new locations, making it harder to treat. Limited Treatment Options: If standard treatments were already used, the available treatment options might be limited, necessitating novel therapies or clinical trials. 如果我已经开始化疗,我可以使用 ECCT 吗? Remission is a term used when signs and symptoms of cancer decrease or disappear, indicating a response to treatment. Complete remission implies the absence of detectable cancer cells, while partial remission indicates a reduction in tumor size or cancer activity. However, remission doesn't always mean cure. Cancer can recur even after a period of remission. Cure generally refers to a state where cancer is eliminated permanently, and the risk of recurrence is extremely low. Achieving a cure often involves long-term remission, but it's not guaranteed. For some cancers, especially when detected and treated early, remission can be a step toward a potential cure. However, healthcare providers typically use the term "cure" cautiously, as it implies a complete eradication of cancer cells, often requiring long-term follow-up to confirm the absence of disease recurrence. Why cancer remain challenging? Cancer remains a challenging disease despite advancements in technology for several reasons: ​ Heterogeneity: Cancer is not a single disease but a collection of diseases characterized by diverse genetic and molecular profiles. Each cancer type and even individual tumors within the same type can behave differently, making it challenging to develop universal treatments. Early Detection Challenges: Many cancers are asymptomatic in their early stages, and by the time symptoms manifest, the disease may have progressed. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, but effective screening methods for all types of cancer are not yet available. Resistance to Treatment: Cancer cells can develop resistance to chemotherapy, radiation, and targeted therapies. This adaptability of cancer cells makes it difficult to achieve complete and lasting eradication. Metastasis: The spread of cancer to other parts of the body (metastasis) poses a significant challenge. Metastatic cancer is often more difficult to treat and can require a more aggressive approach. Immune System Evasion: Some cancers can evade the body's immune system, allowing them to continue growing unchecked. Immunotherapy has shown promise, but not all patients respond to these treatments. Genetic Complexity: The genetic complexity of cancer cells poses challenges in developing targeted therapies. Tumors can evolve and acquire new genetic mutations, leading to treatment resistance. Treatment Side Effects: While treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can be effective, they also come with significant side effects that impact a patient's quality of life. Late Diagnosis: In some cases, cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, reducing the likelihood of successful treatment. Improving awareness, education, and access to healthcare can contribute to earlier diagnoses. ​ Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach, large funding ongoing research, personalized treatment strategies, and a focus on prevention and early detection. The complexity and adaptability of cancer make it a formidable foe that necessitates continued efforts in research, technology, and medical innovation.

  • Tumor Grading and Cancer Staging | ECCT

    Tumor Grading and Cancer Staging Understanding how severe a person's cancer is and how aggressive the tumor behaves is crucial for treatment. Because there are many types of cancer and tumors, doctors use systems to give a number to show how bad the cancer is (called cancer staging) and how abnormal the cells in the tumor look (called tumor grade). These numbers help doctors predict how the cancer might progress and guide the treatment plan for each patient. A Tumor is Graded Under the Microscope Biopsy The process begins by obtaining a tumor biopsy from a patient and preparing samples either by formalin-fixation paraffin embedding (FFPE) or freezing in liquid nitrogen. The samples are then sectioned and stained, allowing the oncologist to assess the size, shape and organization of the tumor cells under a microscope. Tumor Status (T) Refers to the size/extent of main tumor. Higher the number, greater the size and spread. Graded The tumor is then graded depending on the unique histology, or cell pattern. A tumor grade typically ranges from 1 (well differentiated) to 4 (undifferentiated or anaplastic). Grade 1 tumors are well differentiated, grow slowly and are considered the least aggressive. Meanwhile, tumors with grades 3 or 4 are described as undifferentiated and the most aggressive in behavior. Nodal Status (N) Refers to the number and location of lymph nodes containing cancer. Higher the number, the more lymph nodes that contain cancer. Stage This is where cancer staging comes in. A cancer stage not only factors in the tumor grade, but also the tumor size, position, spread, number of tumors, cell type, and involvement of neighboring lymph nodes. There are four stages of cancer and are depicted in roman numerals from I to IV. Stages increase as the primary tumor grows and spreads into other parts of the body. In some cases, stage 0 may be used to describe neoplastic cells that are localized and not yet cancerous. Metastasis Status (M) Refers to the status of metastasis of the cancer to other parts of the body. TNM staging system (Tumor, Nodes and Metastasis) Tumor Status (T) Chart TX: The primary tumor cannot be evaluated. T0 (T plus zero): No evidence of a primary tumor. T1: The tumor is located only in the thymus or has grown into the nearby fatty tissues. T1a: The tumor has spread into fat surrounding the thymus or T1b: The tumor has grown into the lining of the lung next to the tumor (called mediastinal pleura). T2: The tumor has grown into the nearby fatty tissue and into the sac around the heart, called pericardium. T3: The tumor has spread to nearby tissues or organs, including the lungs, the blood vessels carrying blood into or out of the lungs, or the phrenic nerve, which controls breathing. T4: The tumor has spread to nearby tissues or organs, including the windpipe, esophagus, or the blood vessels pumping blood away from the heart. Nodal Status (N) Chart The “N” in the TNM staging system stands for lymph nodes. These tiny, bean-shaped organs help fight infection. Lymph nodes near where the cancer started are called regional lymph nodes. Lymph nodes in other parts of the body are called distant lymph nodes. NX: The regional lymph nodes cannot be evaluated. N0: The tumor has not spread into lymph nodes N1: The tumor may have spread to nearby lymph nodes. N2: The tumor has spread to lymph nodes deep in the chest cavity or neck. Metastasis Status (N) Chart Finally, the “M” in the TNM system describes whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, called distant metastasis. M0 (M plus zero): The disease has not metastasized. M1: The tumor has spread to other organs near the thymus, such as the lung and blood vessels. M1a: The tumor has spread to the lining of the lung, called the pleura, or lining of the heart, called the pericardium M1b: The tumor may have spread to the lining of the lung or the heart. Simplified TNM Chart *These details are for reference only and should not substitute professional diagnosis or medical advice.

  • Tumor Markers | ECCT

    Tumor markers are substances that are produced by tumor or cancer cells, or by other cells in response to a tumor or cancer. They can be found in the blood and other body fluids. However, tumor markers are not specific to cancer and can also be expressed by healthy tissues, although in much lower concentrations. Tumor marker tests are not perfect. They are often not specific for cancer and may not be sensitive enough to pick up a cancer recurrence. The presence of tumor markers alone is not enough to diagnose cancer. Section Title Hormones Certain cancers can cause high levels of hormones in the body, which can be used as diagnostic or prognostic indicators. Examples: Human chorionic gonadotrophins (elevated in trophoblastic tumors), Calcitonin (elevated in medullary carcinoma of the thyroid), and Catecholamines (elevated in pheochromocytoma). Onco-Fetal Antigens These antigens are normally expressed during fetal development but can be reactivated or expressed at higher levels in certain cancers. Examples: Alpha-fetoprotein (elevated in liver cell cancers) Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA, elevated in colon and other cancers). Lineage-Specific Proteins These proteins are expressed in a cell lineage or cell type-specific manner and can help identify the tissue of origin in metastatic cancers. Examples: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA, elevated in prostate cancer) and monoclonal immunoglobulins, M protein (elevated in multiple myeloma and other plasma cell disorders). DNA Markers (Cell-Free) Circulating tumor DNA markers are fragments of DNA that contain specific genetic alterations or mutations found in cancer cells. Examples include: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in non-small cell lung cancer and K-RAS mutations in colorectal and pancreatic cancers. BRAF V600E mutation in Melanoma and papillary thyroid cancer Mucins and Other Glycoproteins These markers are glycoproteins that can be modified or show altered expression in cancer cells. Examples include CA125 (elevated in ovarian cancer) and CA19-9 (elevated in colorectal and pancreatic cancers). CA 15-3 ( Breast cancer ) Enzymes Certain enzymes can be elevated in cancer and used as tumor markers. Examples include Lactate dehydrogenase (elevated in lymphoma, leukemia, and germ cell tumors) and Alkaline phosphatase (elevated in liver cancer and bone metastasis). Section Title Remembering the different categories of tumor markers can be made easier by using a mnemonic like “HOLD ME,” which stands for Hormones, Onco-fetal antigens, Lineage-specific proteins, DNA markers, Mucins and other glycoproteins, and Enzymes. USES OF TUMOR MARKERS IN PATHOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis Screening and Early Diagnosis Prognosis and Treatment Planning Monitoring Treatment and Assessing Res ponse E arly Detection of Relapse While tumor markers are an important tool, they should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical findings and diagnostic tests.

  • What Is Breast Cancer?

    Breast Cancer and its prevalence Section Title Understanding Breast Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide Breast cancer is a condition where abnormal cells in the breast grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. If left untreated, these tumors can spread to other parts of the body, leading to life-threatening complications. The disease typically begins in the milk ducts or lobules (milk-producing glands) of the breast. In its earliest stage, known as "in situ," breast cancer is not life-threatening and can often be detected and treated before it progresses. However, if the cancer spreads into surrounding breast tissue (a process known as invasion), it can cause noticeable symptoms like lumps or thickening in the breast. Invasive breast cancer can further spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs in the body, a process known as metastasis. This advanced stage of breast cancer can be fatal, underscoring the importance of early detection and treatment. Breast cancer predominantly affects women, with around 99% of cases occurring in females and 0.5–1% in males. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, particularly after the age of 40. Other risk factors include obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, a family history of breast cancer, and a history of radiation exposure. Certain aspects of reproductive history, such as the age of first menstruation and the age at first pregnancy, can also influence risk. Additionally, tobacco use and postmenopausal hormone therapy have been linked to an increased risk. While family history can increase the likelihood of breast cancer, it’s important to note that most women diagnosed with the disease do not have a known family history. Some women carry inherited gene mutations, such as BRCA1, BRCA2, or PALB-2, which significantly increase their risk. Those with these mutations may consider preventive strategies, including surgical removal of both breasts or chemoprevention. In its early stages, breast cancer often does not cause any noticeable symptoms, making regular screening crucial for early detection. As the disease progresses, symptoms may include: A lump or thickening in the breast, often painless Changes in the size, shape, or appearance of the breast Dimpling, redness, or pitting of the skin on the breast Changes in the nipple, such as inversion or skin changes around the nipple (areola) Abnormal or bloody discharge from the nipple It’s important for anyone who notices an abnormal lump or any of these symptoms to seek medical attention, even if the lump is painless. Breast cancer is a global issue, affecting women in every country. In 2022, approximately 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer, and there were 670,000 deaths worldwide. The incidence of breast cancer rises with age, and while it can occur at any age after puberty, it is more common in later life. There are stark differences in breast cancer outcomes based on a country’s level of development. In countries with a very high Human Development Index (HDI), 1 in 12 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, and 1 in 71 will die from it. In contrast, in countries with a low HDI, while fewer women are diagnosed with breast cancer (1 in 27), a higher proportion die from the disease (1 in 48). Breast cancer treatment varies depending on the individual, the type of cancer, and the extent of its spread. A typical treatment plan may include surgery, radiation therapy, and medications. Early detection and a personalized treatment approach are key to improving outcomes for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Breast cancer is a serious disease, but with early detection and appropriate treatment, many women can successfully overcome it. Understanding the risk factors, recognizing the symptoms, and seeking timely medical care are essential steps in the fight against breast cancer. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms or has concerns about breast cancer, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for guidance and support.

  • Understanding Carcinogens

    What are carcinogens? Section Title Carcinogens are substances known to increase the risk of cancer by causing DNA damage and triggering uncontrolled cell growth. They can be physical (e.g., ultraviolet rays from the sun), chemical (e.g., asbestos, tobacco smoke), or biological (e.g., certain viruses). More than 100 carcinogens have been identified, and while exposure doesn’t always lead to cancer, prolonged or extensive contact, combined with genetic factors, can significantly raise the risk. Physical carcinogens include ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and ionizing radiation from radon gas, commonly found in buildings. These agents can damage the DNA in skin and lung cells, respectively, leading to mutations that may cause cancer over time. Chemical carcinogens like asbestos, a substance once widely used in insulation, and tobacco smoke, the leading cause of cancer in the United States, are well-documented cancer-causing agents. Exposure to asbestos has been strongly linked to lung cancer and mesothelioma, while tobacco use is associated with various cancers, including those of the lung, mouth, throat, and bladder. Biological carcinogens include certain viruses like human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B and C, which are linked to cancers such as cervical cancer and liver cancer, respectively. These viruses can interfere with normal cell functions, leading to cancerous changes over time. Other common carcinogens include alcohol, which has been linked to several types of cancer, including liver, breast, and esophageal cancer, and processed meats, which have been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. While it’s impossible to avoid all carcinogens, certain lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of exposure. Quitting smoking and avoiding tobacco products, limiting alcohol consumption, protecting skin from excessive sun exposure by using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing, and getting vaccinated against cancer-causing viruses like HPV can all help lower cancer risk. Additionally, minimizing contact with known carcinogens in the workplace and at home, such as radon and asbestos, is crucial. For individuals with a higher genetic predisposition to cancer, avoiding exposure to specific carcinogens becomes even more critical. Regular cancer screenings can help detect any early changes, improving the chances of successful treatment. Consulting with a healthcare provider about personal cancer risks and preventive measures, such as lifestyle changes and screening options, is advisable for those concerned about their exposure to carcinogens.

  • Celebrity Cancer Survivors

    Tales to Inspire: From Riches to Scrubs Section Title Battling cancer is challenging enough, but doing so publicly adds another layer of intensity. These celebrity cancer survivors have used their platforms to raise awareness, helping to destigmatize the disease and foster a supportive community. Here are 12 courageous women who have shared their cancer journeys, highlighting their survival stories and how these experiences reshaped their lives. Julia Louis-Dreyfus In 2017, actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus revealed her stage II breast cancer diagnosis to her millions of Twitter followers. “One in eight women get breast cancer. Today, I’m the one,” she wrote. Louis-Dreyfus underwent chemotherapy and a double mastectomy, discussing her journey with Vanity Fair in 2019. Robin Roberts Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts detected a suspicious lump in her breast during a self-exam. Following a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, Roberts shared her battle in Prevention, emphasizing her familiarity with her own body. Jane Fonda In a 2019 British Vogue interview, actress and climate activist Jane Fonda spoke about her multiple cancer battles. “I’ve had a lot of cancer,” she said, mentioning her 2016 mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis and her history of sun exposure. Fran Drescher The Nanny star Fran Drescher was diagnosed with uterine cancer in 2000. She reflected on her diagnosis in a 2019 InStyle essay and founded Cancer Schmancer, an advocacy group for prevention and early detection. Christina Applegate In 2008, Christina Applegate had a double mastectomy after finding cancerous lumps. Inspired by her mother, a breast cancer survivor, Applegate plans to start a foundation to support high-risk patients with MRI costs and discussed her reconstructive surgery with Good Morning America. Hoda Kotb Hoda Kotb discovered a lump during a routine checkup in 2007 and underwent a mastectomy and breast reconstruction. At a 2017 Breast Cancer Research Foundation symposium, Kotb spoke about how cancer shaped but did not define her. Wanda Sykes Wanda Sykes learned she had breast cancer while undergoing surgery for breast reduction. Diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), she chose a preventative double mastectomy due to her family history of breast cancer. Gloria Steinem Feminist icon Gloria Steinem was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 50s. She shared that the experience made her more conscious of time and discussed her diagnosis in an HBO interview. Sheryl Crow Singer Sheryl Crow was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, prompting her to reevaluate her life. Crow adopted her son Wyatt in 2007 and discussed her changed perspective in Glamour. Sharon Osbourne In 2002, Sharon Osbourne fought colorectal cancer and later founded the Sharon Osbourne Colon Cancer Program. She used her platform to raise awareness about colon cancer, a topic often shrouded in stigma. Cynthia Nixon Actress Cynthia Nixon, who played Samantha on Sex and the City, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. She shared her battle on Good Morning America and has since been an ambassador for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Edie Falco Edie Falco kept her 2003 breast cancer diagnosis private, even from her The Sopranos castmates. She later opened up about her struggle and how it affected her work and personal life.

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