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Triumph Over Adversity: A Journey of Treatment to fight Stage 4 Breast Cancer 战胜逆境:对抗第四期乳腺癌的希望之旅

Treatment to fight Stage 4 Breast Cancer

At 54 years of age, this female patient faced the daunting diagnosis of Stage 4 breast cancer, with metastasis to the liver and bones, heralding a challenging battle ahead. Despite undergoing breast surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, a CT scan on August 8, 2012, revealed the persistence of metastasis in the liver and bones, casting a shadow over her health.



Treatment to fight Stage 4 Breast Cancer

However, with unwavering determination and the initiation of ECCT therapy as Treatment to fight Stage 4 Breast Cancer on September 8, 2012, a remarkable transformation unfolded. Despite the aggressive nature of her condition, the patient's general clinical condition remained stable and healthy, a testament to the efficacy of ECCT treatment.



Subsequent CT scan results on June 11, 2013, showcased a promising development: a near disappearance of hypoechoic masses, signifying significant progress in combating the spread of cancer. While hyperechoic masses, indicative of dead mass deposits, remained, some showed no change, while others continued to shrink on subsequent CT scans in June 2014.


As of the patient's latest assessment on December 9, 2014, her general condition remains healthy, underscoring the enduring efficacy of ECCT therapy in managing Stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis.



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