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Beyond Expectations: A Triumph Result from Treatment for Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Liver Metastasis 超越预期:治疗第四期肺癌伴肝转移的胜利结果

Treatment for Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Liver Metastasis

At 62 years old, this male patient found himself facing the formidable diagnosis of Stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to the liver, presenting a dire prognosis. Following unsuccessful chemotherapy, masses persisted in the lungs and widespread spread was evident in the liver, as revealed by a CT scan on July 20, 2013. His general condition was alarmingly weak, painting a bleak picture of his health.


However, with the initiation of ECCT as Treatment for Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Liver Metastasis on July 29, 2013, after just three months of ECCT treatment, a significant turnaround was witnessed. A follow-up CT scan on October 21, 2013, yielded promising results: no detectable masses were found in the lungs, and the majority of liver masses had either disappeared or drastically reduced in size. Although some nodules remained in the liver, indicating dead mass deposits, their reduced size indicated progress.


Even in the latest ultrasound, the presence of nodules, albeit reduced in size, reinforced the suspicion of dead or stagnant masses in the liver. Despite these remnants, the patient's overall condition had notably improved in combating advanced lung cancer with liver metastasis.



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