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Remarkable milestone of 10th survival post-ECCT treatment for sarcoma cancer. 经过治疗,他达到了令人瞩目的第十个生存周年。

treatment for sarcoma cancer
Every moment I've experienced in my life since surpassing the six-month timeframe predicted by the doctor is a bonus for me.”

His life's journey began with a heartbreaking chapter when, at the tender age of 8, he faced the agonizing departure of his mother, a victim of cancer. Just five years later, he received a diagnosis that would change the course of his life forever – osteosarcoma, a bone cancer known for its deadly grip. The doctor's left with a daunting option, which is amputation of not just his arm but nearly half his shoulder, all to stave off the cancer's relentless advance. Even with successful surgery's outcome, the option offering a mere six-month window of life for Arbi. There are not many treatment options available. Finally Arbi decided not to have surgery. At that time, the cancer had already clutched Arbi's arm, growing to the size of a clenched fist. Yet, the true specter of danger lurked in the shadows – the possibility of it spreading to his lungs and brain. In the lungs, it could give rise to bony structures, while in the brain, it posed an imminent threat to his life.

在他8岁时,母亲因癌症离开了他。5年后,他自己也得了癌症,而且是最致命的骨癌。医生表示,Arbi的手臂必须被截肢。 不仅是手臂,近一半的肩膀也必须被截肢,以防止扩散。 由于Arbi所患癌症的类型,即使手术成功,也只能为他延长短短六个月的生命。那时可用的治疗选择并不多。 最后,Arbi决定不做手术。 当时,Arbi手臂上的癌症有拳头大小。 Arbi骨癌的危险并不在于他的手臂,但如果癌症扩散到肺部和大脑,骨头就可以在肺部生长。如果扩散到大脑,则可能致命。
treatment for sarcoma cancer

In 2012, Arbi embarked on an odyssey, a relentless battle against cancer, armed with ECCT treatment for sarcoma cancer. Through his trials, he found a powerful mantra, saying, "Every time I wake up, I pick up the fragments of bone that have fallen from my hands... each fragment, a beacon of hope." These bone fragments, cast off as remnants of his cancer's relentless onslaught, embodied life and resilience for Arbi.

2012年,Arbi开始了ECCT抗癌之旅。 “每次醒来,我都会捡起手中掉落的骨头……每一块都是希望。” 因ECCT而脱落的癌症骨头碎片是Arbi生命和希望的象征。
treatment for sarcoma cancer

The six months that the doctor had predicted had way past. Arbi continues to fight cancer with his tenacity. With a spirit that refused to yield and an unwavering determination, Arbi's cancer gradually waned, eventually turning benign. It was the culmination of years of unrelenting struggle, during which every cancer fragment finally relinquished its hold. With the unwavering support of the family and ECCT's team, Arbi finally emerged as a victor, declared free from cancer in 2020. His triumphant battle has now spanned over a decade.

医生预测的六个月早已过去。Arbi 凭借坚韧不拔的精神继续与癌症抗争。凭着非凡的热情和永不放弃的精神,很庆幸地,他的癌症变弱和变成良性并可以安全进行手术。 多年后,所有的癌症碎片终于完全脱落了。在杰出的医生和 ECCT 协助下。2020年, 他终于摆脱了癌症,患癌至今无癌症已有10多年。
treatment for sarcoma cancer
treatment for sarcoma cancer

But the story doesn't end here. Arbi achieved more milestones, conquering his mandatory military service without any handicaps and securing a coveted role as an IT staff member at one of the most esteemed state-owned enterprises, specializing in both military and commercial products. His journey, marked by unwavering hope and resilience, is a testament to the extraordinary capacity of the human spirit to overcome the darkest of adversities.



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