A 27-year-old female who was diagnosed with Pilocytic Astrocytoma, a type of brain cancer, faced a challenging journey and survived for the 10th years in 2023! This particular type of tumor is typically found in young patients and is considered a WHO grade 1 tumor, which usually carries a favorable prognosis. However, her condition was dire when, in early May 2013, she experienced severe weakness, vision impairment, disruptions in her body balance, and frequent seizures.
一位27岁的女性被诊断患有Pilocytic Astrocytoma,这是一种类型的脑癌,她在2023年度过了10年的艰难旅程!这种特定类型的肿瘤通常发生在年轻患者身上,被认为是WHO第一级肿瘤,通常有良好的预后。然而,当她在2013年5月初经历严重的虚弱、视力受损、身体平衡紊乱和频繁的癫痫发作时,她的状况非常危急。
Her medical records, including MRI results with contrast, revealed the presence of multiple tumor masses in her brain, one of which measured approximately 5.5 x 4.5 x 6.3 cm in the left posterior fossa. This tumor was suspected to have arisen from the left cerebellar hemisphere and the vermis cerebellum. It was associated with a hemorrhagic cystic component and hydrocephalus, posing life-threatening risks to her. Despite the absence of prominent peritumoral edema, the tumor compressed the pons and mesencephalon, pushing the ventricles to the right and causing ventricular dilatation. To manage this, a VP shunt was attached to drain the excess cerebrospinal fluid.
她的医疗记录,包括带对比的MRI结果,显示她的脑部存在多个肿瘤块,其中一个约为5.5 x 4.5 x 6.3厘米,位于左侧后颅窝。怀疑这个肿瘤起源于左侧小脑半球和小脑蚓。它伴随有出血性囊性成分和脑积水,对她构成了生命威胁。尽管周围没有明显的肿瘤周边水肿,但肿瘤压迫了脑桥和中脑干,将脑室推向右侧,引起脑室扩张。为了管理这一情况,她接入了VP分流管,以排除多余的脑脊液。

Remarkably, the patient's condition significantly improved after over a year of ECCT, during which she and her family refused to undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy. While she continued to take medication for seizures and had the VP shunt installed to alleviate hydrocephalus, ECCT was her only Treatment for Pilocytic Astrocytoma Brain Cancer. MRI results after a year showed that the cystic lesion was not completely suppressed on flair, but there was no enhancement on post-contrast images. The bleeding component of the tumor was still visible, but the tumor had reduced in size to approximately 2.58 x 4.16 x 3.35 cm, compared to its initial dimensions of 5.5 x 4.5 x 6.3 cm. There was no increase in intralesional perfusion, and a drainage system had been implemented through a left parietal os defect.
值得注意的是,在经历了一年多的ECCT治疗后,患者的状况明显改善,她和家人拒绝接受化疗或放疗。尽管她继续服用抗癫痫药物并安装了VP分流管以减轻脑积水,ECCT是她唯一的治疗方式。一年后的MRI结果显示,在FLAIR图像上囊性病变并未完全被抑制,但对比增强图像上没有增强效果。肿瘤的出血部分仍然可见,但肿瘤的大小从最初的5.5 x 4.5 x 6.3厘米减小到了约2.58 x 4.16 x 3. 35厘米。没有肿瘤内灌注增加,通过左侧顶骨缺损实施了引流系统。

Most significantly, the latest MRI results indicated a remarkable reduction in tumor size, and no inflammation was observed in the tumor area. The patient's complaints on vision impairment, body balance disruptions, and seizures had gradually disappeared. The installation of the VP shunt to manage intracranial compression was a crucial component of her ongoing recovery together with her the diligent to use ECCT daily for years and of course last but not least, her family ensuring she received adequate nutrition thorough the journey.