Ms Irene from Taiwan (she wishes to keep her photo private, Verifiable during consultation) has undergo ECCT as one of the treatment for ovarian cancer and cleared her stage III tumour in just a couple of months with minimal side effects. In many cases, traditional treatments are not enough to eradicate the disease in time before the tumour continues to progress. A combination of traditional treatment and various complementary therapies helps her to support the body while she fights the disease with minimal side effects.

She was diagnosed on 20th April 2022 with peritoneal and omentum metastasis. From her CT scan, a large heterogeneously enhancing mass was noted at the central pelvic region with a poor plane of demarcation with adjacent bowels and urinary bladder. There is a central non-enhancing region in keeping with tissue necrosis. With the advice of her doctor, she went on to have surgery performed in June 2022.
After surgery, Ms Irene started Chemotherapy on 1st July 2022 for 6 cycles to clear the remaining tumours in her body. She developed allergies after her chemotherapy, but she is a highly determined survivor wanting to regain her health. While fighting to continue her treatment, she started ECCT on 23rd August 2022 alongside Chemotherapy and various complementary therapies, including hyperthermia and a high dose of vitamin C therapy to support her body in fighting the disease.

Finally! On 20th October 2022, her tumour was cleared! Compared with the previous scan on 20th April 2022, there are no local recurrences noticed. In the post-treatment CT, although there is still a localised inflammatory reaction evidenced by bowel clumping and mesenteric fat streakiness in the bowel at this region, the mass is not visualised.
Currently, her oncologist has stopped her chemotherapy sessions, and she is only on maintenance therapies to prevent relapsed and other unseen lesions from growing.