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Khaliq, 8 Years Old, Malaysia: A Story of Courage and Unyielding Hope with Treatment for Grade 4 Medulloblastoma Cancer

Muhamad Al Khaliq, an 8-year-old boy full of life and energy, began experiencing severe headaches and dizziness in December 2023. His condition quickly deteriorated, and by January 2024, he struggled to maintain his balance. His parents, concerned for their young son, sought medical help, and on February 14, 2024, their worst fears were confirmed. Muhamad was diagnosed with Grade 4 Medulloblastoma, an aggressive and devastating brain tumor. CT and MRI scans revealed a large posterior fossa mass with mass effect and obstructive hydrocephalus, necessitating immediate surgical intervention.

The medical team in hospital performed a complex surgery involving posterior fossa craniotomy, tumor excision, and other intricate procedures. Despite these efforts, Muhamad faced severe complications, including a tumoral cavity bleed, Pseudomonas ventriculitis, and a poor recovery on the Glasgow Coma Scale. He was left unconscious, ventilator-dependent, and facing a series of life-threatening challenges. His parents, shattered by the diagnosis and the subsequent complications, were counseled by the pediatric and neurosurgery teams. Despite the grim prognosis, they made the heart-wrenching decision to continue fighting for their son, consenting to palliative care while exploring any treatment that might offer hope.

In May 2024, with their options dwindling, Muhamad's parents turned to ECCT as a last resort treatment for Grade 4 Medulloblastoma Cancer. It was a decision made from the depths of love and desperation, fueled by the desire to give their son every possible chance in his fight against this merciless disease.

The road to recovery was anything but smooth. Amidst the turmoil, small signs of hope began to emerge. On July 25, 2024, Muhamad's previously dilated pupil returned to normal, a subtle but significant indicator of neurological improvement.

Then, on August 13, 2024, something miraculous happened. Muhamad, who had been silent and immobile for so long, managed to cough on his own. He also began moving his left leg and arm, signs of neurological recovery that filled his family and medical team with renewed hope.

Muhamad’s journey is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unyielding love of his family. Despite the overwhelming odds, his parents refused to give up, seeking out every possible avenue to save their son. ECCT has brought about subtle but profound changes in Muhamad's condition, providing a glimmer of hope in a situation where there once seemed to be none.

As Muhamad continues his battle, his family remains steadfast, bolstered by the small victories they’ve witnessed. The progress may be slow, but it is a reminder that hope, combined with advanced technology intervention, can make a difference even in the most dire of circumstances.


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