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A Triumph over Adversity: ECCT Therapy for Intra-Pelvic Cystic Tumor 挑战胜利:盆腔囊性肿瘤的ECCT疗法

Therapy for Cystic Tumor

In the challenging battle against a cystic tumor, a 70-year-old male embarked on a journey of resilience and hope with Therapy for Intra-Pelvic Cystic Tumor, commencing on April 26, 2012. The tumor, situated intra-pelvically, posed a formidable obstacle, measuring 8.7x7.94x9.06 cm, as revealed by a CT scan on April 21, 2010. Despite undergoing surgery, the tumor persisted and metastasized to the intestine and GIST, underscoring the aggressive nature of the condition.


ECCT therapy ushered in a new ray of hope, gradually targeting cancer cells and initiating an inflammation process. During this phase, the tumor mass experienced enlargement, reflecting the body's response to treatment. Although initially disconcerting, this phase marked a crucial step in the healing process. Subsequent ultrasound scans in the second to fifth month of ECCT usage confirmed the enlargement of the mass on September 28, 2013.


However, as the inflammation subsided, the tumor mass began to shrink, signifying progress in the treatment journey. With each passing month, the tumor size gradually decreased, offering renewed hope and optimism. The latest measurements on August 14, 2014, revealed a reduction in size to 7.11x7.16x8.5 cm, marking a significant milestone in the patient's recovery.



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