Approximately 2 months ago, Mr. Tukimin was diagnosed with salivary gland cancer. A large tumor (4-5 cm) was growing on his neck, involving his jaw muscles as well as his blood vessels.
This cancer had spread to his lymph nodes on both sides of his neck and near his both collarbones. Surgery and radiotherapy were performed but unfortunately could not stop the rapid progression of cancer in his lymph nodes.
Mr. Tukimin then chose to use ECCT only.
After 1-2 weeks of using ECCT, many solid-like "pebbles" discharged from near the eyes, together with dark brown wax discharged from his ears. a dark color discharge started oozing form the surgical scar. These are the excretions that can occur due to the destruction of cancer cells while using the ECCT. He continued to use ECCT.
After 2 months, there was the expulsion of the tumor mass, and Mr. Tukimin's face gradually recovered. His face is now symmetrical and the lump on both sides of his neck and collarbone has gone.
We hope for his speedy recovery to continue to a cancer-free and remission with ECCT usage.