Iwan could feel the pleasure of being able to sleep again after using ECCT. 6 months ago; he could hardly sleep. One year later, he was even able to return to work.

In 2012 Iwan was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer of the right shoulder which metastasis to his chest and pressed on his right lung. He underwent all possible medical and alternative treatments he could, but all the treatments he did were unable to control the progression of his cancer. His condition continued to worsen day by day, and he was unable to continue his job. His doctor had predicted that he would not last for more than 1 year. Because there was no other alternative, they could try anymore.
Finally, in early 2016, his oncology introduced him to ECCT as his last resort. Iwan could feel the pleasure of being able to sleep again after using ECCT. 6 months ago; he could hardly sleep. One year later, he was even able to return to work. His burden as the bread and butter for his family after more than 3 years of not working was finally relieved.
10 years since he was diagnosed, his condition is getting better. Even though the cancer has not completely disappeared, it is soft and detached from her shoulder muscles. He continues to fight cancer with a healthy and normal life.