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Stage 4 Lung Cancer Treatment achieved 5th year Recovery even after recurrence 肺癌治疗五年康复

Lung Cancer Treatment

In 2019, Soewarti, a 69-year-old female, was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lung, complicated by a massive pleural effusion on the left side, resulting in significant dyspnea. A biopsy confirmed the malignancy. The patient commenced treatment with oral chemotherapy in conjunction with ECCT as Lung Cancer Treatment recommended by her oncologist.


Within three months, there was a marked reduction in the pleural effusion, leading to significant relief of her respiratory symptoms. Follow-up imaging indicated that the primary lesion, initially measuring 2-3 cm, had become nearly undetectable. The patient's respiratory function and overall symptomatology improved substantially.

Lung Cancer Treatment
Lung Cancer Treatment

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the patient experienced a recurrence of dyspnea. Subsequent imaging revealed a regrowth of the mass at the initial tumor site, which had remained stable for three years, along with multiple new lesions in the left lung.


Lung Cancer Treatment

Soewarti resumed ECCT with upgraded devices. Remarkably, within three months, there was a reduction in the size of the lesions, with one lesion disappearing entirely.


Lung Cancer Treatment

After five years, the patient remains in good health with no reported complaints. The most recent CT scan, conducted one year prior, demonstrated further shrinkage of the pulmonary lesions. Soewarti continues to be monitored, showing no signs of disease progression and maintaining a normal quality of life.



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