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Survived upon completing treatment for High Grade Pineal Parenchymal Brain Tumor (WHO Grade 3) 高级别松果体实质瘤(WHO 3级)治疗完成后的十年生存期

High-Grade Pineal Parenchymal Brain Tumor

When a 9-year-old boy was diagnosed with a high-grade (WHO Grade 3) pineal parenchymal brain tumor, the parent’s world was turned upside down. The mere thought of the child battling brain cancer was an unimaginable nightmare. However, amidst the darkness, the parent found a beacon of hope in his treatment journey. From the very start, the medical team approached his case with unwavering determination and expertise. They explained the intricacies of the treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of eliminating cancer cells while preserving the integrity of surrounding healthy tissue. The dedication to ensure his well-being ease the parent in every step of the process.

当一名9岁男孩被诊断患有高级别(WHO 3级)的脑脊髓间质瘤时,父母的世界被彻底颠覆。孩子与脑癌抗争的想法简直是一场无法想象的噩梦。然而,在黑暗中,父母在他的治疗过程中找到了希望的曙光。从一开始,医疗团队就以坚定不移的决心和专业知识处理他的病例。他们解释了治疗计划的复杂性,强调了消灭癌细胞的重要性,同时保留周围健康组织的完整性。他们对确保他的健康关心体现在治疗的每一步上。

One particular aspect of his treatment journey stands out as nothing short of miraculous. Thanks to the precise positioning of ECCT around tumor along a favorable drainage pathway, the treatment effectively targeted the cancer cells while sparing the surrounding tissues. Witnessing the MRI results after just 6 months was nothing short of a miracle. Not only was there no evidence of tumor mass, but the hydrocephalus caused by the tumor's compression had also vanished.


The relief and gratitude felt by the parent in that moment are indescribable. Today, as the team look back on his journey, everyone is filled with overwhelming gratitude to his recovery. He is not just a survivor; he is thriving. His resilience in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to us all. To anyone facing a similar journey, the parent hope that they could hold onto hope and trust in the advancement of technology. Miracles can and do happen, and their son is a living proof of that.



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