In mid-2013, Mrs Urip was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) breast cancer.

The results of her mammography and ultrasound revealed a spider web-like mass in her left breast, only 2-3 cm in size, but with roots that had spread widely, invading her nipple area.
Due to the high risk of the cancer spreading through her bloodstream and the resistance of the mass to radiation and chemotherapy, surgery was not recommended. With limited options, Mrs Urip chose to undergo ECCT. After several months of treatment, she noticed a gradual reduction in the size of the lump, and the main mass slowly began to shrink. The decaying mass from the breast cancer lump was excreted in the form of small feces resembling goat droppings.

Throughout her journey, Mrs Urip did not experience inflammation, and her persistent and disciplined approach helped the lump gradually disappear over time. After 1.5 years, only a stitch knot-like lump at the central part of the mass remained, although the rest of the lump had disappeared.
In 2023, ten years after her diagnosis, the natural thread stitches in her breast lump still remain, but Mrs Urip's condition is stable with no signs of spread or reappearance in the former breast mass or anywhere else in her body.