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A Ray of Hope: Patient Finds Reprieve with ECCT and Bevacizumab Combination to Fight GBM 希望之光:GBM患者通过ECCT和贝伐单抗联合治疗找到喘息

In the challenging battle against glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a 35-year-old female patient from Europe faced a relentless progression of the disease despite undergoing surgery. However, a new ray of hope emerged as she was referred to(ECCT by her oncologist, combined with Bevacizumab during radiochemotherapy with temozolomide to fight gbm.

fight GBM
Before ECCT

The patient embarked on a treatment regimen comprising ECCT sessions five days a week, complemented by Bevacizumab infusions at a dosage of 10mg/m2 every 14 days. This innovative approach aimed to curb the aggressive nature of GBM and halt its advancement.

fight GBM
One Month of ECCT with Bevacizumab

fight GBM
6 Months of ECCT with Bevacizumab

The results were promising. By initiating ECCT right after the radiochemotherapy routine, the patient experienced a significant delay in tumor progression and recurrence. This dual treatment strategy, combining ECCT with Bevacizumab, showcased a positive impact on impeding the relentless nature of GBM.

fight GBM
No Recurrence Sign as of Jan 2023

This case highlights the importance of collaboration between conventional therapies and innovative treatments like ECCT and Bevacizumab offers a glimpse of optimism for patients navigating the challenges posed by GBM.


In the realm of GBM treatment, the integration of cutting-edge therapies provides not only hope but also tangible progress towards delaying disease progression. The journey of this 35-year-old patient serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts in medical research and patient care, ultimately paving the way for more effective treatments and improved outcomes in the fight against GBM.



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