His father passed away due to colorectal cancer, and subsequently, he, his biological sibling, and his child also developed the same cancer. He was the first to be free from cancer and has survived 10 years after using ECCT without chemotherapy. He encouraged his sibling and child to also use ECCT without chemotherapy.
In early 2014, Mr. Ismanto, before his 42nd birthday, was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The fear he had experienced all along became a reality. Previously, his father died from the same cancer. Now, he himself was afflicted with the disease that had killed his biological father.
Initially, he complained of not being able to have a bowel movement for several days. His abdomen enlarged due to fecal matter accumulating in his colon. A CT scan revealed a blockage in the transverse colon. Suspected fecal fluid filled his intestines, bulging and occupying most of his abdominal cavity. The biopsy results indicated malignancy: poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. The most aggressive type of colon cancer.
Because he couldn't have a bowel movement, he had to undergo surgery to remove a 35 cm segment of his colon. Fortunately, his intestines could still be reconnected, so he didn't need a colostomy bag attached to the outside of his abdomen, which would have to be carried around for the rest of his life. The pathology analysis results of the cells removed during Mr. Ismanto's surgery were even more worrying when it shows a second type of cells: High Grade Malignant Fibrohistocytoma. A type of sarcoma located in the colon, more aggressive than adenocarcinoma.
A month after the surgery, the area around Mr. Ismanto's abdomen began to harden again. His cancer was growing back rapidly. In early 2014, Mr. Ismanto made up his mind to use ECCT. The type of cancer Mr. Ismanto had responded relatively quickly to ECCT, both the poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and the sarcoma types. Both are very aggressive types, but the more aggressive the cancer, the faster the cells respond to the ECCT device, causing them to disintegrate (breaking down into dead cells that liquefy) and exit the body in the form of mucus along with feces.
10 years later, at the beginning of 2024, his condition remained perfectly fine, very healthy, very normal. He never underwent the chemotherapy. He used the ECCT device for 2-3 years and 10 years later, he is still alive and living well.
In 2024, Mr. Ismanto came to consult for two people at once, his biological sister and his biological son. Both have experienced the same cancer as him and his father, colorectal cancer. Both have undergone surgery. Mr. Ismanto wants both of them to be free from cancer like him. His sister and son have been using the device for few months. We hope both of them will be as healthy as him too.