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She survived by combining Innovative Cancer Treatments for Astrocytoma tumour 结合创新癌症治疗对抗星形胶质瘤

cancer treatment for astrocytoma
On Temozolomide between 18 Nov 2021 - 29 Dec 2021

A remarkable journey unfolded for an 18-year-old Turkish woman battling an Astrocytoma Grade III with a unique tumour condition. Her story echoes resilience and combining innovative cancer treatment for astrocytoma to overcome medical complexities.

cancer treatment for astrocytoma
Radiotherapy (RT: 60 Gy/30 Fr) and Chemotherapy (Temozolomide 75mg/m2/day) completed in Oct 2021

The timeline narrates a challenging series of treatments. Initially, Temozolomide was administered, accompanied by a blend of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Despite this concerted effort, the disease defied conventional responses, progressing even after three cycles of Temozolomide. Distressing symptoms emerged, marked by upper right and lower extremity weakness.

cancer treatment for astrocytoma
The disease progressed even after 3 cycles of temozolomide

cancer treatment for astrocytoma
The disease progressed even after 3 cycles of temozolomide
cancer treatment for astrocytoma
Patient was then given second line radiotherapy and has been started on irinotecan (125mg/m2) and bevacizumab (10mg/m2) for 14 days

However, hope rekindled as a second line of defense was initiated. The introduction of irinotecan and bevacizumab marked a pivotal shift in her treatment regimen. Following this, a novel approach emerged with second line radiotherapy SRS and ECCT, a regimen of daily therapy sessions. Encouragingly, after six months, there were promising signs of regression and a positive response to this unconventional strategy.

cancer treatment for astrocytoma
Second line radiotherapy SRS: 5X5 Gy and ECCT was introduced
cancer treatment for astrocytoma
6 months after: Good response and regression
cancer treatment for astrocytoma
After 8 months of ECCT

Eight months into the ECCT protocol, the results unveiled an encouraging trend. However, the conclusive moment arrived after 11 months. The MRI results became the beacon of hope – NO PROGRESSION was detected.

cancer treatment of astrocytoma
MRI after 11 months of ECCT + beva + irinotecan showed no progression

This journey underscores several crucial insights. The tumor exhibited resistance to conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The strategic introduction of ECCT upon tumor recurrence proved instrumental. The pinnacle achievement lay in the harmonious blend of ECCT, bevacizumab, and irinotecan, a triumphant amalgamation that initially faltered against the temozolomide radio chemotherapy. This saga symbolizes not just resilience but the convergence of medical science and an indomitable spirit, forging new pathways in the battle against adversity.



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