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Primary Brain Ependymoma Treatment Options of Her Choice 她选择的原发性脑室上皮瘤治疗选项

A 50-year-old woman received a life-altering diagnosis of a primary brain ependymoma, an exceptionally rare glioma originating from ependymal cells within the brain or spinal cord. This testimonial shares the profoundly emotional journey of her remarkable transformation through ECCT as Primary Brain Ependymoma Treatment Options of Her Choice.

Brain Ependymoma Treatment Options

In the heart-wrenching month of September in 2019, her condition was nothing short of a nightmare. She endured the torment of facial nerve paralysis and found herself stripped of the simple joys of walking and speaking as we all take for granted. It was in this dark hour that a decision was made to consider ECCT treatment as an alternative to surgery. The initial CT-scan on 03/05/2019 of her brain, performed with a striking contrast, unveiled a hypodense lesion with a jagged, hyperdense border, measuring 3.3 x 4.4 cm. The terrifying specter of an ependymoma cast its shadow. To compound her distress, mild obstructive hydrocephalus was revealed, and an unnerving enhancement within the 4th ventricle posed a threat to her very existence. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, some glimmer of hope remained, as the white matter and grey matter differentiation displayed a reassuring normality. Crucial landmarks within her brain, such as the cuticular sulcus and Sylvi's fissure, bore no marks of intrusion. Nevertheless, the right and left lateral ventricles bore the burden of slight dilation, a grim reminder of her struggle.

在2019年令人心碎的九月,她的情况简直是一场噩梦。她忍受了面部神经麻痹的折磨,丧失了行走和正常言语的简单快乐,这是我们所常常认为理所当然的事情。正是在这个黑暗时刻,人们决定考虑将ECCT治疗作为不需手术的替代方案。通过带有惊人对比的脑部03/05/2019的CT扫描,揭示了一个低密度病变,其不规则的高密度边界测量为3.3 x 4. 4厘米。一种可怕的脑室管膜瘤的阴影显现。为加剧她的困扰,扫描还显示了轻度梗阻性脑积水,以及令人不安的第四脑室内的增强,对她的生命构成威胁。然而,在这一切不确定性之中,一些希望的微光仍然存在,因为白质和灰质的分化显示出了令人 佩服的正常性。她的大脑内的重要地标,如皮层沟和辛基裂,没有受到侵犯的迹象。然而,右侧和左侧侧脑室承受了轻度扩张的沉重负担,这是她艰难奋斗的阴霾的提示。

The journey she embarked upon through ECCT treatment is nothing short of a tear-inducing tale of extraordinary courage. Initially shackled by the cruel grip of facial nerve paralysis and the frustration of impaired mobility, she embarked on a path illuminated by ECCT therapy. Day by day, her progress unveiled a miracle. The wondrous transformation saw her regain her ability to walk, and her beautiful face, once a canvas of distress, returned to normal. Her overall well-being improved, illuminating her spirit as it gradually soared to new heights.


During the first three months of this treatment, signs of change became a source of profound relief. Dark and potent feces emerged, offering a glimpse of hope, a testament to the treatment's detoxifying prowess. In 2022, the portrayal of her condition through recent images left no room for doubt. Her spirit remained unbroken, her complaints silenced, as a continued journey of progress unfolded. It was with a heart full of gratitude that we noted the absence of inflammation in the menacing tumour's domain. She, once confined to the prison of her own body, now walks and speaks with grace and resilience.


However, like a cliffhanger in a story, her current health remains a mystery, as she has not undergone recent medical examinations. Nevertheless, as life's chapters continue to unfold, she relishes the simple joys, and her life remains a testament to her unwavering strength, as she faces each day with grace and courage, undaunted by the trials she has endured.



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