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A Decade of Courage and Innovation in the Battle Against Breast Cancer 勇气与创新在抗击乳腺癌中的十年历程

breast cancer

In late 2013, Mrs. Puspa discovered a lump in her right breast approximately the size of a ping-pong ball. Ultrasound revealed a 3 cm tumor, diagnosed as adenocarcinoma breast cancer, a highly malignant type. Additionally, a smaller cystic lump under 1 cm was found in her left breast.


She began using ECCT in early December 2013, adhering to a regimen of wearing the ECCT vest five days a week. Throughout her therapy, Mrs. Puspa experienced common detoxification reactions: sweating and urination with a strong odor, and dark, foul-smelling bowel movements. These symptoms persisted for several months.


Mrs. Puspa's type of cancer responds well to electric field therapy, with dead cells becoming soft and fluid, facilitating elimination via sweat, urine, and feces. Aggressive cancers like hers typically dissolve within 2-3 years with older ECCTs, or 3-6 months with newer technology.


The tumor's location favored drainage through blood vessels towards the armpit, aiding cell expulsion. Regular ultrasound examinations every three months tracked her progress. Her tumor size decreased from nearly 3 cm to 2.3 cm within a year, and to 1.2 cm in 1.5 years.


Halfway through her treatment, Mrs. Puspa felt the lump fragment into smaller nodules, some migrating towards her armpit and others near the nipple. A PET scan confirmed the active tumor had shrunk to 1 cm, and the new nodules were inactive dead cells.


Despite additional health challenges, including an active thyroid nodule, a uterine myoma, and a liver cyst, Mrs. Puspa continued her ECCT treatment with remarkable perseverance. She underwent a hysterectomy and received additional ECCT coverage for her thyroid.


After two years, her breast tumor reduced to below 1 cm, and after three years, it became undetectable by ultrasound. Her left breast cyst also disappeared. For five years, she remained cancer-free, with occasional ultrasound exams showing no significant issues.


During the pandemic, with reduced medical check-ups, Mrs. Puspa noticed a new lump in mid-2022. An ultrasound confirmed a 3 cm lump in the original tumor location, differing in texture and lacking blood flow, indicating a non-active, possibly fibroglandular mass with calcification.


To preempt any potential malignancy, Mrs. Puspa used the latest ECCT with advanced modulation waves to eliminate cancerous cells and facilitate dead cell removal. After three months, the lump began to diminish.


Mrs. Puspa’s decade-long journey against breast cancer, marked by her courageous choice of an innovative treatment, diligent monitoring, and unwavering optimism, exemplifies the triumph of human spirit and scientific advancement. Her story inspires countless others battling cancer, offering hope and an alternative path to healing.



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