For more than a decade, Mrs. Melly has been engaged in a relentless battle since her diagnosis with astrocytoma brain cancer on the left hemisphere of her brain. The initial onset involved enduring unyielding headaches that defied relief from conventional pain medications. Weakness, particularly on her right side, often became a part of her daily life. The MRI results from December 2012 disclosed the presence of a malignant tumour – a low-grade astrocytoma.
Medical advice leaned towards surgery, as low-grade astrocytoma of her type generally exhibits poor responses to radiation or chemotherapy. Thus, surgery stood as the most optimal path. Despite the recommendation, Mrs. Melly opted to explore alternative for Astrocytoma Brain Cancer Treatment after consulting her oncology team. Delving into ECCT (Electro-Capacitive Cancer Therapy), she learned that while the malignant components of her tumour could potentially respond to ECCT, disintegrating and being expelled through sweat, urine, and faeces, the low-grade portions might not react as favourably, warranting the consideration of surgery for full removal.

Understanding that low-grade tumours might not achieve complete resolution, Mrs. Melly chose to place her trust solely in ECCT, foregoing the surgical route. Her symptoms exhibited swift improvement upon commencing ECCT treatment. However, MRI scans showed only marginal alterations in the tumour mass. The first- and second-years post-treatment showed relatively consistent results, with a slight reduction noted after 5 years. Though traces of the tumour lingered, her complaints of headaches and physical weakness became almost imperceptible.
Opting against regular post-treatment MRI scans, she has now traversed over a decade since her initial diagnosis, maintaining her health and well-being.
Source: [https://www.facebook.com/ca.survivors]