In June 2013, Mrs. Sioe was diagnosed with stomach cancer and underwent surgery to remove a cancerous mass, approximately one-third of her stomach. Following the surgery, she underwent six cycles of chemotherapy. However, before completing the chemotherapy, the cancer reappeared near the surgery site, with additional spread to the brain. MRI results indicated 1-2 cm spread to the right and left cerebellum, causing her to be bedridden.
In September 2013, the family were seeking Alternative Treatments for Stomach Cancer to help with her condition and Mrs. Sioe's son discovered ECCT. She started ECCT in the form of helmet and blanket and combined with her current chemotherapy regime. After a short time of usage, she noticed excretion reactions such as green and black stool with a strong odor, continuous gas passing with an unpleasant smell, strong and sticky-smelling sweat, and cloudy smelly urine. Despite the unpleasant excretion, Mrs. Sioe's condition improved rapidly. She soon could sit longer, and after a while, she started standing and walking.
After completing the last dose of chemotherapy, Mrs. Sioe continued using ECCT. One month after completion of her chemotherapy and with continuous usage of ECCT, her condition normalized, weight increased, and pain and dizziness reduced significantly without the need for painkillers. However, she did not want to go for scan till the first PET scan post starting ECCT was after 1.5 years (May 2015) indicated clear of cancer results, and she continued using ECCT to prevent recurrent for the next few years.
In July 2023, Mrs. Sioe has now reached 10 years of survival! Even with such long remissions, she unfortunately returned with complaints of vertigo. A CT scan revealed the appearance of 2 cm mass in her cerebellum. She restarts ECCT in 2023 and change a new type of helmet to cover the recurring brain tumor site. Briefly after using the new ECCT helmet, her headache and vertigo disappeared. We hope her next follow scan will show a good progress.