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Alternative Treatment for Testicular Cancer Metastasis to Lungs and Lymph Nodes

Alternative Treatment for Testicular Cancar

Mr Khairul, 39-year-old male in Malaysia, had been dealing with a right testicular swelling for the past six years, which gradually increased in size. In November 2023, his condition worsened, and he sought medical attention at the Hospital. Imaging confirmed the diagnosis of right testicular carcinoma with metastasis to the lungs and lymph nodes, including large para-aortic nodes.

After careful consideration, he agreed to undergo chemotherapy (BEP regimen) after completing four cycles, his tumor size was reduced by a bit, and his overall condition stabilized, despite metastasis to the lungs and spine. Although he experience side effects such as fatigue and a reduced appetite, but there was no pain or bleeding. However, subsequent chemotherapy does not show further effect and his tumour continue to grow and tumour marker continue to rise. His oncology then stopped chemotherapy hereafter.

In Feb 2025 during Chinese New Year, he came across ECCT and decided to give it a try as the Alternative Treatment for Testicular Cancer. With constant consent over his rising AFP tumor marker, it was a relieve to him start seeing a decrease from 11.3 to 8.6 after starting ECCT cancer treatment alone for only 1 month. We hope his tumour continue to shrink and able to claim back his health.


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