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His Quality of Life Greatly Improved Post-ECCT as an Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma Cancer

He was 41-year-old when diagnosed with suspected lymphoma (lack of biopsy) and committed to undergoing ECCT as his Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma Cancer over the course of more than six years and finally yielded truly remarkable results. When he first began using ECCT, a mass was already growing so rapidly on his right neck. Over the years, photographs taken at different stages of his treatment show such remarkable changes. The progress of his condition can be described as follows:


Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma Cancer
Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma Cancer

During the early stages of his ECCT treatment (1-2 months), he did experience some excretion and discomfort, including excessive gas in the stomach. However, as time passed, these adverse symptoms gradually diminished, showcasing the effectiveness of the treatment. After more than six years of dedication in using ECCT, the mass on his neck remained stagnant and halted the growth, with no signs of metastasis. Although the mass is still there, his quality of life has greatly improved over time.


Alternative Treatment for Lymphoma Cancer


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