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A Remarkable treatment to conquer Colorectal Cancer Metastasis  一项引人注目的治疗,征服结直肠癌转移

treatment to conquer Colorectal Cancer Metastasis

In the face of colorectal cancer metastasized to the lungs, a 59-year-old male embarked on a journey of resilience and hope with ECCT therapy, commencing on October 17, 2013. Despite undergoing 27 sessions of radiation therapy and oral chemotherapy, the initial diagnosis painted a grim picture, with malignancy persisting in the colon and new nodules emerging in Segment 5 of the lungs, suspected to be metastases, as revealed by a PET CT scan on September 24, 2013.

面对结直肠癌转移到肺部的挑战,一名59岁的男性于2013年10月17日开始接受ECCT疗法,展开了一段充满韧性和希望的旅程。尽管接受了27次放疗和口服化疗,最初的诊断仍然令人担忧,结直肠中仍存在恶性肿块,并且在肺部第5段出现了新的结节,被怀疑为转移灶,这是在2013年9月24日PET CT扫描中显示的。

However, the introduction of ECCT as treatment to conquer Colorectal Cancer Metastasis heralded a turning point in the patient's battle against cancer. With each session, remarkable progress unfolded. Subsequent PET CT scans on February 19, 2013, showcased a notable decrease in nodules both in the colon and lungs, offering a glimmer of hope amidst adversity.

然而,ECCT作为征服结直肠癌转移的治疗方法的引入,标志着患者在与癌症作斗争的转折点。随着每次治疗,令人瞩目的进展不断展现。随后于2013年2月19日进行的PET CT扫描显示,结直肠和肺部的结节明显减少,为在逆境中带来一线希望。


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