At the age of 60, Abdul Malik still plays badminton regularly and live healthily.
In November 2011, he was diagnosed with malignant lung adenocarcinoma with mass of 4 cm at the tip between the halves of his lung. His blood-cough did not stop even post-chemotherapy. The CT scan results 1.5 months post-chemo shows that the mass continued to grow with slight invasion around the region and in the lymph nodes near the airways. He was then advised by his doctor to seek for alternative ways.
He started ECCT with oral chemo in early 2012 while continued to consult and monitored by his oncology. Slowly his condition became more stable and his coughing decreased day by day. CT scan results after 6 months of usage showed good improvement. The size of the tumour decreased to from 4cm to 2.5cm, the affected areas reduced and the tumour around lymph were no longer visible. It took him nearly 3 years to completely stopped the coughing in 2014 and in 2017, the CT results showed that there was still a scar at the position of the previous mass, but relatively no more progress.
In January 2023, he now has made it as a 10 years lung cancer survivor. He has stopped using ECCT long ago after his conditions achieved remissions and still remains healthy till today.