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10-Year Remission From Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy Or Mastectomy Utilizing Ecct 不借助化疗或乳房切除手术,利用ECCT实现10年乳腺癌缓解

Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy Or Mastectomy

Mrs. Rika's journey with breast cancer began in 2012 when she was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer featuring multiple lesions. Mrs. Rika opted against traditional treatment methods. Instead, she pursued an alternative approach by employing ECCT.


Within a span of 2.5 years, the multiple lesions observed in Mrs. Rika's breast had completely disappeared. This significant reduction in tumor burden marked a pivotal moment in her battle against breast cancer. Mrs. Rika achieved 10 years remissions from Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy Or Mastectomy as she entered a state of remission, which she has maintained for an impressive 10 years.



Today, Mrs. Rika enjoys a state of normalcy, characterized by an active and healthy lifestyle. Her remarkable journey offer hope and inspiration to individuals battling similar conditions.



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