Complementary cancer THERAPY
A Cancer Treatment Designed with Family at Heart, Not Just Clients.
Enhance cancer survival rates, regenerate health and improve quality of life.
*The EXCLUSIVE and authorized distributor for ECCT in South East Asia and South Asia.

Cancer Treatment

ECCT seamlessly blends cutting-edge science with everyday life, offering a revolutionary way to regenerate health and enhance your quality of life.
ECCT may be the solution if you faced below problems:
Tried all options but the disease is still progressing.
Blood tests prevent continuing current treatments.
Reduce side effects from current treatments.
Maintain blood results and body functions during chemotherapy.
Shrink tumors and improve quality of life.
Prevent the disease from spreading.
Prevent disease recurrence.
Boost the immune system to fight cancer.
Try safe, advanced, and innovative cancer treatments.
Finally, a treatment that ticks all the right boxes!
Electric fields have been proven to increase survival rates.
Does not harm normal cells.
Near-zero side effects, and can be combined with other treatments.
Can direct electric fields to any part of the body.
No age limit; suitable for patients from 9 months to 90 years old.
Supported by numerous survivor testimonials.
Provides lifetime protection to prevent recurrence.
A supportive team and specialist doctor care for lifetime.
Recovery in the comfort of your home.

Multi Mechanisms Underlying Electric Field Effects in Cancer Therapy

DISCLAIMER: All the information above are understood based upon independent-research and clinical observations of diagnosis & treatment administered to numerous patients by Revotera, its specialist doctor-mentors, and peers in the field of holistic therapy. These fundamental for disease & treatment represent only the the fundamental upon which the therapy protocol for ECCT are based, and not to be considered as the fundamental established by any medical governing body nor to replace any professional medical advise by any professional medical practitioners.

Maximize Expertise and Efficiency:
We invest in highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals to deliver the most efficient and effective treatment.
Ensure Customers Pay Less :
Customers pay for what truly matters; no unnecessary fees from
fancy renovations or luxury branding
Durability Over Aesthetics :
Built to last, prioritizing functionality and reliability
Stability Over Fancy :
Focusing on simple operation and effective outcome
Necessity Over Luxury :
Prioritizing essential aspects, avoiding unnecessary luxuries